[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] configure: Trust LLVM >= 4.0 llvm-config --libs for shared libraries

Michel Dänzer michel at daenzer.net
Mon Aug 14 08:11:34 UTC 2017

On 11/08/17 01:45 AM, Emil Velikov wrote:
> On 9 August 2017 at 02:00, Michel Dänzer <michel at daenzer.net> wrote:
>> On 09/08/17 03:24 AM, Emil Velikov wrote:
>>> I think we'd want to keep the best of both - just not sure how to
>>> exactly do that.
>>> --libs/--libfiles was completely busted with LLVM 3.9 and is back to
>>> normal with 4.0.
>>> Could we use that somehow?
>> This patch relies on llvm-config --libs with LLVM >= 4.0. If you mean
>> something else, please be more specific.
> That's the thing - in some versions --libs is busted while for others
> --libs/--libfiles.

Do you have any specific information about --libs being broken with
recent versions of LLVM? I though that was fixed long ago.

> That said, patch does exactly what it says on the
> Reviewed-by: Emil Velikov <emil.velikov at collabora.com>

Thanks, pushed.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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