[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] gallium/radeon: add a new HUD query for the number of mapped buffers

Samuel Pitoiset samuel.pitoiset at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 10:34:29 UTC 2017

On 01/24/2017 11:31 AM, Nicolai Hähnle wrote:
> On 24.01.2017 11:25, Samuel Pitoiset wrote:
>> On 01/24/2017 07:39 AM, Michel Dänzer wrote:
>>> On 24/01/17 05:44 AM, Samuel Pitoiset wrote:
>>>> Useful when debugging applications which map too much VRAM.
>>> Is the number of mapped buffers really useful, as opposed to the total
>>> size of buffer mappings? Even if it was the latter though, it doesn't
>>> show which mappings are for BOs in VRAM vs GTT, does it? Also, even the
>>> total size of mappings of BOs currently in VRAM doesn't directly reflect
>>> the pressure on the CPU visible part of VRAM — only the BOs which are
>>> actively being accessed by the CPU contribute to that.
>> It's actually useful to know the number of mapped buffers, but maybe it
>> would be better to have two separate counters for GTT and VRAM. Although
>> the number of mapped buffers in VRAM is most of the time very high
>> compared to GTT AFAIK.
>> I will submit in a follow-up patch, something which reduces the number
>> of mapped buffers in VRAM (when a BO has been mapped only once). And
>> this new counter helped me.
> Michel's point probably means that reducing the number/size of mapped
> VRAM buffers isn't actually that important though.

It seems useful for apps which map more than 256MB of VRAM.

> Nicolai
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