[Mesa-dev] [RFC] ARB_gl_spirv and NIR backend for radeonsi

Ian Romanick idr at freedesktop.org
Mon May 22 19:17:57 UTC 2017

On 05/22/2017 12:02 PM, Marek Olšák wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Nicolai Hähnle <nhaehnle at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been looking into ARB_gl_spirv for radeonsi. I don't fancy re-inventing
>> the ~8k LOC of src/compiler/spirv, and there's already a perfectly fine
>> SPIR-V -> NIR -> LLVM compiler pipeline in radv, so I looked into re-using
>> that.
>> It's not entirely straightforward because radeonsi and radv use different
>> "ABIs" for their shaders, i.e. prolog/epilog shader parts, different user
>> SGPR allocations, descriptor loads work differently (obviously), and so on.
>> Still, it's possible to separate the ABI from the meat of the NIR -> LLVM
>> translation. So here goes...
>> The Step-by-Step Plan
>> =====================
>> 1. Add an optional GLSL-to-NIR path (controlled by R600_DEBUG=nir) for very
>> simple VS-PS pipelines.
>> 2. Add GL_ARB_gl_spirv support to Mesa and test it on simple VS-PS
>> pipelines.
>> 3. Fill in all the rest:
>> 3a. GL 4.x shader extensions (SSBOs, images, atomics, ...)
>> 3b. Geometry and tessellation shaders
>> 3c. Compute shaders
>> 3d. Tests
>> I've started with step 1 and got basic GLSL 1.30-level vertex shaders
>> working via NIR. The code is here:
>> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/~nh/mesa/log/?h=nir
>> The basic approach is to introduce `struct ac_shader_abi' to capture the
>> differences between radeonsi and radv. In the end, the entry point for NIR
>> -> LLVM translation will simply be:
>>    void ac_nir_translate(struct ac_llvm_context *ac,
>>                          struct ac_shader_abi *abi,
>>                          struct nir_shader *nir);
>> Setting up the LLVM function with its parameters is still considered part of
>> the driver.
> This sounds good.
>> Questions
>> =========
>> 1. How do we get good test coverage?
>> ------------------------------------
>> A natural candidate would be to add a SPIR-V execution mode for the piglit
>> shader_runner. That is, use build scripts to extract shaders from
>> shader_test files and feed them through glslang to get spv files, and then
>> load those from shader_runner if a `-spirv' flag is passed on the command
>> line.
>> This immediately runs into the difficulty that GL_ARB_gl_spirv wants SSO
>> linking semantics, and I'm pretty sure the majority of shader_test files
>> don't support that -- if only because they don't set a location on the
>> fragment shader color output.
>> Some ideas:
>> 1. Add a GL_MESA_spirv_link_by_name extension
>> 2. Have glslang add the locations for us (probably difficult because glslang
>> seems to be focused on one shader stage at a time.)
>> 3. Hack something together in the shader_test-to-spv build scripts via
>> regular expressions (and now we have two problems? :-) )
>> 4. Other ideas?
> We have plenty of GLSL SSO shader tests in shader-db, but we can only
> compile-test them.
> Initially I think we can convert a few shader tests to SSO manually
> and use those.
>> 2. What's the Gallium interface?
>> --------------------------------
>> Specifically, does it pass SPIR-V or NIR?
>> I'm leaning towards NIR, because then specialization, mapping of uniform
>> locations, atomics, etc. can be done entirely in st/mesa.
>> On the other hand, Pierre Moreau's work passes SPIR-V directly. On the third
>> hand, it wouldn't be the first time that clover does things differently.
> If you passed SPIR-V to radeonsi and let radeonsi do SPIR-V -> NIR ->
> LLVM, you wouldn't need the serialization capability in NIR. You can
> just use SPIR-V as the shader binary and the major NIR disadvantage is
> gone. Also, you won't have to touch GLSL-to-NIR, and the radeonsi
> shader cache will continue working as-is.

I was going to suggest something like this.  I've also wondered if
SPIR-V might be a reasonable serialization for NIR.  I haven't given it
a lot of thought, though, so it may be rubbish.

> However, I don't know how much GL awareness is required for doing
> SPIR-V -> NIR in radeonsi. Additional GL-specific information might
> have to be added to SPIR-V by st/mesa for the conversion to be doable.
> You probably know better.
> st/mesa or core Mesa just needs to fill gl_program, gl_shader, and
> gl_shader_program by parsing SPIR-V and not relying on NIR. I don't
> know how feasible that is, but it seems to be the only thing needed in
> shared code.
> That also answers the NIR vs TGSI debate for the shader cache. The
> answer is: Neither.
> Marek
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