[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 4/6] radeonsi: pack r600_texture better

Marek Olšák maraeo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 03:15:27 UTC 2017

From: Marek Olšák <marek.olsak at amd.com>

1752 -> 1736 bytes
 src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h | 53 +++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h
index 43b11262..6b0a743 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeon/r600_pipe_common.h
@@ -226,82 +226,81 @@ struct r600_cmask_info {
 	uint64_t offset;
 	uint64_t size;
 	unsigned alignment;
 	unsigned slice_tile_max;
 	uint64_t base_address_reg;
 struct r600_texture {
 	struct r600_resource		resource;
+	struct radeon_surf		surface;
 	uint64_t			size;
-	unsigned			num_level0_transfers;
-	enum pipe_format		db_render_format;
-	bool				is_depth;
-	bool				db_compatible;
-	bool				can_sample_z;
-	bool				can_sample_s;
-	unsigned			dirty_level_mask; /* each bit says if that mipmap is compressed */
-	unsigned			stencil_dirty_level_mask; /* each bit says if that mipmap is compressed */
 	struct r600_texture		*flushed_depth_texture;
-	struct radeon_surf		surface;
 	/* Colorbuffer compression and fast clear. */
 	struct r600_fmask_info		fmask;
 	struct r600_cmask_info		cmask;
 	struct r600_resource		*cmask_buffer;
 	uint64_t			dcc_offset; /* 0 = disabled */
 	unsigned			cb_color_info; /* fast clear enable bit */
 	unsigned			color_clear_value[2];
 	unsigned			last_msaa_resolve_target_micro_mode;
+	unsigned			num_level0_transfers;
 	/* Depth buffer compression and fast clear. */
 	uint64_t			htile_offset;
-	bool				tc_compatible_htile;
-	bool				depth_cleared; /* if it was cleared at least once */
 	float				depth_clear_value;
-	bool				stencil_cleared; /* if it was cleared at least once */
+	uint16_t			dirty_level_mask; /* each bit says if that mipmap is compressed */
+	uint16_t			stencil_dirty_level_mask; /* each bit says if that mipmap is compressed */
+	enum pipe_format		db_render_format:16;
 	uint8_t				stencil_clear_value;
-	bool				upgraded_depth; /* upgraded from unorm to Z32_FLOAT */
+	bool				tc_compatible_htile:1;
+	bool				depth_cleared:1; /* if it was cleared at least once */
+	bool				stencil_cleared:1; /* if it was cleared at least once */
+	bool				upgraded_depth:1; /* upgraded from unorm to Z32_FLOAT */
+	bool				is_depth:1;
+	bool				db_compatible:1;
+	bool				can_sample_z:1;
+	bool				can_sample_s:1;
+	/* We need to track DCC dirtiness, because st/dri usually calls
+	 * flush_resource twice per frame (not a bug) and we don't wanna
+	 * decompress DCC twice. Also, the dirty tracking must be done even
+	 * if DCC isn't used, because it's required by the DCC usage analysis
+	 * for a possible future enablement.
+	 */
+	bool				separate_dcc_dirty:1;
+	/* Statistics gathering for the DCC enablement heuristic. */
+	bool				dcc_gather_statistics:1;
+	/* Counter that should be non-zero if the texture is bound to a
+	 * framebuffer. Implemented in radeonsi only.
+	 */
+	unsigned                        framebuffers_bound;
 	/* Whether the texture is a displayable back buffer and needs DCC
 	 * decompression, which is expensive. Therefore, it's enabled only
 	 * if statistics suggest that it will pay off and it's allocated
 	 * separately. It can't be bound as a sampler by apps. Limited to
 	 * target == 2D and last_level == 0. If enabled, dcc_offset contains
 	 * the absolute GPUVM address, not the relative one.
 	struct r600_resource		*dcc_separate_buffer;
 	/* When DCC is temporarily disabled, the separate buffer is here. */
 	struct r600_resource		*last_dcc_separate_buffer;
-	/* We need to track DCC dirtiness, because st/dri usually calls
-	 * flush_resource twice per frame (not a bug) and we don't wanna
-	 * decompress DCC twice. Also, the dirty tracking must be done even
-	 * if DCC isn't used, because it's required by the DCC usage analysis
-	 * for a possible future enablement.
-	 */
-	bool				separate_dcc_dirty;
-	/* Statistics gathering for the DCC enablement heuristic. */
-	bool				dcc_gather_statistics;
 	/* Estimate of how much this color buffer is written to in units of
 	 * full-screen draws: ps_invocations / (width * height)
 	 * Shader kills, late Z, and blending with trivial discards make it
 	 * inaccurate (we need to count CB updates, not PS invocations).
 	unsigned			ps_draw_ratio;
 	/* The number of clears since the last DCC usage analysis. */
 	unsigned			num_slow_clears;
-	/* Counter that should be non-zero if the texture is bound to a
-	 * framebuffer. Implemented in radeonsi only.
-	 */
-	uint32_t			framebuffers_bound;
 struct r600_surface {
 	struct pipe_surface		base;
 	/* These can vary with block-compressed textures. */
 	unsigned width0;
 	unsigned height0;
 	bool color_initialized;

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