[Mesa-dev] Vulkan extensions

Bas Nieuwenhuizen bas at basnieuwenhuizen.nl
Fri Sep 15 22:40:38 UTC 2017

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 1:31 AM, Romain Failliot
<romain.failliot at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-09-14 19:19 GMT-04:00 Bas Nieuwenhuizen <bas at basnieuwenhuizen.nl>:
>> Also you can implement 0% of the feature list and still be vulkan 1.0
>> compliant ;)
> Oh... is that so?
> Thanks for all your answers, I apparently didn't understand what "being
> Vulkan 1.0" meant ;)
> So if I understand well, every time there's a new 1.0.yy version of Vulkan,
> it means that there's a new set of "extensions" (I don't know the
> appropriate erm) added to the previous version 1.0.xx, but it's not
> mandatory to implement them to be compatible with the 1.0 API.
> If the Vulkan API changes one day, it will be Vulkan 2.0?

Yes the way it has been so far all the 1.0.xx releases have just been
mandatory clarifications and minor bugfixes. All the extensions
published have been optional, they're just typically published in the
appendix of the spec, hence why it often comes with a new  minor
vulkan release.

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