[Mesa-dev] last call for autotools

Dylan Baker dylan at pnwbakers.com
Wed Dec 12 22:13:03 UTC 2018

Quoting Marek Olšák (2018-12-12 12:42:01)
> Most assertions and checks are enabled, because NDEBUG is not defined, but
> DEBUG is not defined either, which is a Mesa-specific definition.
> The default debug build for autotools is debugoptimized (-g -O2 -DDEBUG). meson
> changed that behavior by removing -DDEBUG. Autotools doesn't have what meson
> calls "debug", which indicates that most people don't want to use "debug" much.
> People who wanted to -O0 had to set CFLAGS. Now people who want the autotools
> debug build have to add -DDEBUG into CFLAGS.
> On top of that, I discovered a 3rd issue with meson:
> * meson --reconfigure doesn't re-run llvm-config.
> Marek

Don't use --reconfigure, you're abusing it to get it to do what you want.
--reconfigure is for handling cases where an option has been removed or renamed
and meson can't figure out how to fix it itself, so you smash it with a hammer.
meson configure has an option to force llvm-config (and all dependencies) to be
rechecked. In your wrapper script you'd be better off with something like:

if [ ! -a $BUILDDIR ]; then
    meson configure $BUILDDIR $OPTIONS --clearcache

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