[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 1/8] vbo: Correctly handle attribute offsets in dlist draw.

Mathias Fröhlich Mathias.Froehlich at gmx.net
Thu Feb 1 04:45:37 UTC 2018

Hi Brian,

On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:54:55 CET Brian Paul wrote:
> Nice work!  It's nice to get rid of some of those attribute loops.
> The series looks good to me, just assorted nit-picks and comments on a 
> few patches.


Past this 8 patches we still have O(VERT_ATTRIB_MAX) loops. So stay tuned 
there is more to come. This stage is to put the 3 draw code paths into a 
comparable shape so that reviewing the unification from one of the next stages 
gets easier.
As it is past this current series is by far not where I want to get. The 
promise still holds that gallium and i965 will have a O(#of enabled arrays) 
computational effort draw path.

> >   
> >            /* override the default array set above */
> That comment is no longer quite correct.

That is entirely true, but removing the comment here in this patch would also 
be unrelated to the rest of this current patch change. And then patch #6 
through #8 remove this wrong comment currently present in all 3 draw entry 
code paths anyhow in a natural way.
So within this current patch I think I would just keep that.



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