[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] disk cache: Link with -latomic if necessary

Matt Turner mattst88 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 19:14:05 UTC 2018

On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 5:18 AM, Thierry Reding
<thierry.reding at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Thierry Reding <treding at nvidia.com>
> The disk cache implementation uses 64-bit atomic operations. For some
> architectures, such as 32-bit ARM, GCC will not be able to translate
> these operations into lock-free instructions and will instead rely on

Here, and in the comment in meson.build, I think you mean "atomic"
rather than "lock-free" instructions? It's at least confusing, since
on x86 atomic instructions have a "lock" prefix.


Acked-by: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>

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