[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v4] virgl: Add support for glGetMultisample

Gert Wollny gert.wollny at collabora.com
Tue Jul 10 06:44:05 UTC 2018

Am Dienstag, den 10.07.2018, 09:19 +1000 schrieb Dave Airlie:
> Just FYI in future please don't push mesa patches until the renderer
> side patch has landed, this is to avoid the abi accidentally
> diverging around the caps.
Sure, I'll keep that in mind, and sorry for rushing to push this. 

However, this actually points to a bigger problem: Given that the
mesa/virgl driver is completely separate from the host virglrenderer,
how do we ensure in a real world application that host and guest agree
on the abi? There is this 'version' in the
vrend_renderer_fill_caps_common and the 'max_version' in the caps, but
the first one is not used at all, and the second is not used beyond
signalling the availability of caps set 2. Maybe we should define some
algorithm to bump that latter number so the client can see what values
in the caps were actually filled by the host? 



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