[Mesa-dev] Lets talk about autotools

Marek Olšák maraeo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 00:49:40 UTC 2018

One missing feature is --with-sha1=. libcrypto has an unstable ABI and
Steam uses it. For Mesa to work with Steam, libnettle has/had to be
used instead.


On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 12:44 PM, Dylan Baker <dylan at pnwbakers.com> wrote:
> I feel like for !windows meson is in good enough shape at this point that we
> can start having the discussion about deleting the autotools build. So, is there
> anything left that autotools can do that meson cannot (that we actually want to
> implement)? And, what is a reasonable time-table to remove the autotools build?
> I think we could reasonably remove it as soon as 18.3 if others felt confident
> that it would work for them.
> Dylan
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