[Mesa-dev] [PATCH] autotools: Deprecate the use of autotools

Lionel Landwerlin lionel.g.landwerlin at intel.com
Sun Jan 13 11:21:04 UTC 2019

On 12/01/2019 18:24, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 9:40 AM Gert Wollny <gw.fossdev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I will not push it with
>> the strong NAK you gave, Ilia. To me consensus means that all who
>> contribute significantly to the project (like you certainly do) agree
>> or abstain, but don't object.
> A single actor should not prevent a group from adopting something he
> doesn't like. Given that I had all the (in my consideration) major
> issues that I did, I assumed that some others had run into them as
> well and were equally (or at least partially) concerned. It seems like
> that theory has not been borne out -- while I did get some private
> feedback about this, no one seems to be publicly willing expend
> political capital on this issue.
> Perhaps my workflow is different, or perhaps my tolerance for BS is
> lower. Probably some combination... I build for 3 different
> cross-environments in addition to the native build (arm, arm64,
> ppc64), and even x86_32 on the rare occasion. It all works out OK, and
> I don't have to spend a ton of time remembering how each one works in
> the intervening 6-12 months between each occasion that I spend time on
> a particular platform. I suspect the majority of people just build one
> thing and it's no trouble to remember how it works since you're doing
> it every day.

Just throwing my 2 cents on cross compiling stuff :

For gputop (https://github.com/rib/gputop) I'm cross compiling C/C++ to 
javascript using emscripten.

Apart from figuring out the couple of entries in the cross compile meson 
files, I didn't run into any issue.

So hopefully it won't be more 20mn for you.


> A switch to meson will require a re-investment of time into figuring
> out how to make those various cases work properly, and all the issues
> I ran into with meson (no-longer-working build dirs, inability to
> retrieve configuration args, etc) conspire to require that
> reinvestment to happen each time rather than once-per-lifetime. But
> perhaps these will be fixed by then? Let's hope.
> Cheers,
>    -ilia
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