[Mesa-dev] Release workflow with gitlab issues

Dylan Baker dylan at pnwbakers.com
Wed Sep 18 18:28:55 UTC 2019

Hi everyone,

Since we're migrating to gitlab issues, it seems like a good time to review how
we track stable releases, particularly release blockers.

I'd like to use a gitlab milestone as a replacement for the tracker issues from
gitlab. The process would work much the same way as it does now, but with a

We'll also need to replace the Bugzilla: tag with a tag that gitlab recognizes
for closing issues. Since we already use "Fixes:" for something else, I'd like
to propose "Closes:"

so we'd replace:
    Buzilla: https://...
    Closes: !0

If we like this, I'll follow up with a script that can fetch issues information
from gitlab and produce release information.

Does this sound reasonable to everyone?

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