[Mesa-dev] mesa compilatin

rajeev agrawal rjv.16agrawal at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 09:58:27 UTC 2021

Thanks will try this

On Thu, 30 Sep, 2021, 3:27 pm Ernst Sjöstrand, <ernstp at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would suggest ignoring the debian packages and installing Mesa in a
> special directory somewhere in your home folder.
> You can follow these steps:
> https://docs.mesa3d.org/install.html#running-against-a-local-build
> Den tors 30 sep. 2021 kl 11:45 skrev rajeev agrawal <
> rjv.16agrawal at gmail.com>:
>> thanks for the reply .
>> I compiled everything and copied the files generated on my machine . But
>> while running glxinfo | grep -i "OpenGL version" -> it was showing mesa
>> 20.0.8 while the mesa version is 21.3 which I compiled .
>> Can you please suggest which I can try or is it expected ?
>> Thanks
>> Rajeev
>> On Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 2:50 PM Ernst Sjöstrand <ernstp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The Mesa project itself has no support for building debian packages,
>>> it's something added ontop by debian based distributions.
>>> There are various updated packages for Ubuntu on Launchpad in a number
>>> of PPAs like Oibaf and Kisak PPAs.
>>> Also this guy has a PPA:
>>> https://launchpad.net/~ernstp/+archive/ubuntu/mesarc
>>> If you want to build packages locally I suggest cloning from
>>> https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/lib/mesa
>>> and then searching general instructions for how to build debian packages.
>>> //E
>>> Den tors 30 sep. 2021 kl 09:45 skrev rajeev agrawal <
>>> rjv.16agrawal at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi ,
>>>> I am trying to compile mesa from the repo.
>>>> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/tree/main
>>>> Are there any steps on how to create the deb file.
>>>> After compiling and installing to a local folder a copied the folder to
>>>> my device ,still I can see the mesa version as old only.(20.0.8)
>>>> Am i missing anything.PLease help me out in resolving the issue.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rajeev
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