[Mesa-users] ATI r300 (RV350) 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc' OpenGL extension

Евгений Минов minov_j at mail.ru
Sat Oct 16 05:09:25 PDT 2010

Oops, sorry. I've found the explanation in FAQ :\

4.3 Why isn't GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc implemented in Mesa?

The specification for the extension indicates that there are intellectual property (IP) and/or patent issues 
to be dealt with.

We've been unsucessful in getting a response from S3 (or whoever owns the IP nowadays) to indicate whether or 
not an open source project can implement the extension (specifically the compression/decompression 

In the mean time, a 3rd party plug-in library is available.

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