E1750 Reloaded - QMI - STATIC - DHCP - IPv4

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Aug 6 01:56:21 PDT 2014


On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 10:11 AM, poma <pomidorabelisima at gmail.com> wrote:
> According to this[1] document(slide 4/8), using the 'qmicli' the ModemManager is bypassed so no DHCP chit-chat in this log.

Ah, what a mess!!! :) That slide just says that you can use either
ModemManager or qmicli; or even both at the same time but for
different purposes. Actually, if you want to run both at the same
time, as you did in the log, you still need to use the "-p" option in
qmicli; but again, don't do that for connection requests.

In order to connect you can do any of these 2 things (well, other
things also available, just focus on this two):
 * Use qmicli or qmi-network, then dhclient.
 * Use ModemManager and NetworkManager (and nmcli or nm-applet or gnome-shell)

Please don't merge both things!!!! What we need here is not a mix of
MM, NM, qmicli commands sent randomly. We just need ModemManager debug
logs while a normal connection request through NetworkManager is

So, I'm just asking for this:

 * Run ModemManager with --debug (as you just did) and also
NetworkManager with --debug (see e.g.
 * Then request a connection through either nmcli OR nm-applet OR gnome-shell

That's it; no need to play with qmicli, no need to run dhclient
yourself. Please do this 2 step sequence to get the logs we need....


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