E1750 Reloaded - QMI - STATIC - DHCP - IPv4

poma pomidorabelisima at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 01:27:09 PDT 2014

On 12.08.2014 09:28, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
>>>> :) No, that won't work. Not every APN gives you access to the
>>>> Internet, some users may use APNs that give them access to private
>>>> networks managed by the operators. I've worked with such a case in the
>>>> past.
>> Oh yes it does, for the config here.
>> So you cover that case, but not others? :)
> We try to cover every case the best way we can. Pinging google's DNS
> just to check whether we should fallback to DHCP is just a workaround.
> As I said, I would very much prefer to just fallback to DHCP by default
> than adding the ping :) But first I'd rather see whether this issue is
> Huawei-only or not. Mind you, this is the only issue blocking a new
> stable release right now; we're working on it.

You haven't commented on the latest patch, man.
Is the test via ping default gateway also a workaround?

>>>> I'd rather just fall back to DHCP for IPv4 instead of adding that ping
>>>> (Huawei-only?). I tried to test the issue with my Huawei QMI modem but
>>>> unfortunately it seems to be broken (doesn't detect the SIM properly);
>>>> Dan also said that he would check that with his modems.
>> El zapatero siempre tiene los peores zapatos.
>> Pero al menos sabemos que eres un zapatero. :)
>> Besides rather than two months later, it should be checked before the patch is applied.
> Well, I wouldn't have thought that switching to static IPv4 config would
> have been a problem. We did test with several QMI modems before applying
> the patch, just not with a Huawei one it seems. Plus, we still don't
> know if this happens to all Huawei devices or just to the one you use.

Well let Graham join the discussion, also.

As I understand, he drives a very similar device, 
"Huawei E1820 and NDISDUP"

My thread on the same topic, 

BTW Graham, if you're alive and well and you are reading this thread, here you can find firmware for the E1820, 
If this is indeed the device.
But bear in mind, you do FW switch at your own risk and expense.


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