ptxdist-2013.12.0 + ModemManager + Cinterion PLS8 rel.1

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Sep 1 05:05:44 PDT 2015

> Sorry, that was my fault. I attach here the full ModemManager debug log just
> from the system booting until the modem enabling process finished. I got it
> after applying Daniels patch, so don't know if anything may be different.

So the modem is indeed being detected as LTE, so that's not the issue.
I actually checked where the "EPS supported" flag comes from, and we
don't really set it anywhere during runtime, it's just a plugin
targeted setting (E.g. Altair LTE sets it to TRUE and resets CS/PS to
FALSE). So forget about what I previously said :)

> Should I do any checking about Dans patch?

Now, these new logs that Dan added may be indeed useful. But we need a
longer run from the logs. Can you re-run it with the patch and e.g.
try to launch a connection as you originally did?


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