[Nice] When can we send()?

Youness Alaoui youness.alaoui at collabora.co.uk
Wed Sep 1 12:19:26 PDT 2010

Yeah, it's like any normal reliable socket, you only write stuff to do when it
becomes 'writable'. Read the docs correctly, it will initially send you the
writable signal when it's ready.. and after that, whenever you call send (), if
it doesn't return '-1' OR a value less than what you asked it to write, then it
will NOT send a new signal.. so you have to keep track of that.. as soon as you
receive a reponse of -1 (or < len) then you must wait for the new writable signal.


On 09/01/2010 12:04 PM, Tony Di Croce wrote:
> Ah... I'm guessing I should be looking for
> "reliable-transport-writable"... I'll try that...
>     td
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tony Di Croce <dicroce at gmail.com
> <mailto:dicroce at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I have found that unless I sleep for 3 seconds after whichever agent
>     is that last to reach NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_READY, my calls to
>     nice_agent_send() will fail (return -1, btw, this is with a reliable
>     agent, haven't tried it with unreliable)...
>     Is there some other event I should listening for or is this normal
>     behaviour?
>         td
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