Hi again Youness,<div><br></div><div>my application is progressing in small steps.</div><div>We chose to use XMPP for the communication. We are using libstrophe, it lacks some documentation, but was enough for our needs.</div>
<div>We implemented a naif handshake, life the one you mentioned above, by exchanging some xmpp message stanzas.</div><div><br></div><div>This application will be part of a research project involving the grid, where we need private hosts (called agents) to be able to communicate someway. We will implement that (inter-agent) communication protocol later, right now we are concerned with the NAT traversal thing, and it seems to be working fine :)</div>
<div><br></div><div>Now, I would like to ask you a final question:</div><div>Right now we are able to send strings using "nice_agent_send". We would like to establish a socket between the hosts and use other common primitives to code our application.</div>
<div>Maybe the best possibility would be to create some kind of pipe from an "external" application using local ports (something like <a href="http://code.google.com/p/gnat/">http://code.google.com/p/gnat/</a>)</div>
<div>Or, in a simpler way, just pipe stdin/stdout from another app, slice that data and send it using libnice send primitive?</div><div><br></div><div>Have you ever tried something like this?</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you very much for your help.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div>Tiago</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Youness Alaoui <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div class="im">On 11/23/2011 01:14 PM, Tiago Sá wrote:<br>
> Hi Youness,<br>
</div><div class="im">> thank you for your suggestions.<br>
> You'r right, the STUN/TURN server I was using had a connection limit. I<br>
</div>> installed the <a href="http://turnserver.org" target="_blank">turnserver.org</a> <<a href="http://turnserver.org" target="_blank">http://turnserver.org</a>> one in a public addressed<br>
<div class="im">> machine.<br>
> I also changed the way how I was writing the candidates, setting those pointers<br>
> to NULL.<br>
> ICE seems to be working properly now! :)<br>
</div>Glad it worked :)<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> I have a question:<br>
> According to the example in <a href="http://nice.freedesktop.org/libnice/NiceAgent.html" target="_blank">http://nice.freedesktop.org/libnice/NiceAgent.html</a><br>
> we should be able to start sending messages after the signal new-selected-pair<br>
> is fired. However, I tried it but no success:<br>
> void<br>
> cb_new_selected_pair (void)<br>
> {<br>
> printf ("cb_new_selected_pair\n");<br>
> nice_agent_send(agent, stream_id, NICE_COMPONENT_TYPE_RTP, strlen("Ola"),"Ola");<br>
> }<br>
> That first message is never received. However, after "a while" I try to send<br>
> again and it works. Do I have to wait for the other agent to be ready to receive?<br>
</div>Humm.. that might not have been entirely true.. technically if there is a<br>
selected pair, then it should work, unless you are ready locally, but the remote<br>
isn't ready to receive yet. technically you should wait for the state to go to<br>
READY... and not care about the selected pair.. the docs might be wrong there,<br>
but it's been a while and I'm not entirely sure of the use case that would make<br>
it fail (but in every other project, we use the READY state as an indication<br>
that we're ready to send).<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> Well, this is a checkpoint for me, but I must ask for another suggestion now.<br>
> I need to improve the way how the communication between agents is made<br>
> (exchanging candidates/credentials, initiating p2p connections, etc...)<br>
> As I read in this<br>
> thread <a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2010-August/000330.html" target="_blank">http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2010-August/000330.html</a> , you<br>
> wrote:<br>
> "well, the serialization, if I understand what you mean, is how you send the<br>
> candidates to the other side, right ? In that case, that's not part of the ICE<br>
> methodology.. you can 'serialize' the candidates/user/pass any way you want..<br>
> one method is to put it in the SDP of a SIP invite. You can also send it as an<br>
> XML using Jingle's XEP over an XMPP connection.. it really all depends on what<br>
> protocol is being used to connect to the server (SIP, XMPP, custom, other...).<br>
> I'll let you decide on the best way to do that."<br>
</div>Thanks for searching in the archives :)<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> After doing some research, I feel a bit scared. That is a completely new world<br>
> for me. Could you please point the "simplest and most feasible" solution for<br>
> this problem? Should I choose SIP or XMPP?<br>
> libjingle, for example, presents a huge API...<br>
> Do you know any simple client, possibly allowing me to connect to an existing<br>
> infrastructure (such as Google Talk), I could use for this trivial information<br>
> exchange?<br>
</div>Humm.. yes, libjingle is a big pile of **** :) my suggestion is to never use it!<br>
The real question here is what do you need libnice for? what will the clients be<br>
? if it's for a game or some custom application and that you can control the<br>
server and the client, then you can setup something custom. If you want to have<br>
a list of contacts in your application and the user can just select one and it<br>
will know what to do, then using XMPP might be the best solution. It really all<br>
depends on your needs and capabilities.. you can decide all about it, but here's<br>
a simple example if you want :<br>
client sending to server is : ---><br>
client receiving from server is : <-----<br>
Comments are preceded with #<br>
----> HELLO<br>
<---- HELLO 12345 # Where 12345 would be a random id that gets assigned to you<br>
----> 54321 BEGIN ICE # first number being the 'random id' of the destination<br>
----> 54321 ICE-CREDENTIALS <the_username> <the_password><br>
----> 54321 CANDIDATE 1 UDP 43132 host<br>
----> 54321 CANDIDATE 2 UDP 52133 srv-reflx<br>
----> 54321 ICE DONE # To say you're done, you can send it to the peer<br>
<---- 54321 ICE REPLY<br>
<---- 54321 ICE-CREDENTIALS foo bar # the remote's credentials<br>
<---- 54321 CANDIDATE 1 UDP 54521 host<br>
<---- 54321 CANDIDATE 2 UDP 9614 srv-reflx<br>
<---- 54321 CANDIDATE 3 UDP <a href="tel:" value="+351432132957"> 32957</a> relay-reflx<br>
<---- 54321 ICE DONE<br>
----> 54321 ICE DESTROY<br>
And your server just maps sockets with those random ids, and relays the data<br>
from one socket to another. And you parse the received input and build your<br>
So this is a very simple, but of course inefficient, you get a random id<br>
everytime, it's hard to improve the protocol, etc... so using XMPP would be<br>
better, but if you really don't need that much, then this might be the solution<br>
you want.. like I said, it really depends on what you need it for.<br>
As for XMPP, you can look at the 'wocky' library<br>
(<a href="http://cgit.freedesktop.org/wocky/" target="_blank">http://cgit.freedesktop.org/wocky/</a>)<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> Thank you for your help.<br>
</div>You're welcome :)<br>
<div class="im HOEnZb"><br>
> Regards,<br>
> Tiago Sá<br>
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:42 PM, Youness Alaoui <<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a><br>
</div><div class="HOEnZb"><div class="h5">> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>>> wrote:<br>
> On 11/16/2011 08:30 PM, Tiago Sá wrote:<br>
> > Hi again Youness,<br>
> > thanks a lot for your help.<br>
> > I believe I solved the problems you pointed before.<br>
> > I am using a dumb method to exchange candidates. I write them to file and<br>
> > exchange them using a ftp server (I will improve it later).<br>
> ><br>
> > So, the way I run it is:<br>
> > (HostA) ./client l<br>
> > (HostB) ./client r<br>
> > //local candidates are gathered and written to file<br>
> > (HostA) put leftCands.bin on FTP and get rightCands.bin<br>
> > (HostB) put rightCands.bin on FTP and get leftCands.bin<br>
> > //read local credentials and write them on the remote host<br>
> ><br>
> > I am using a relay server, that should work as a last resort. But during the<br>
> > local candidate gathering, sometimes it gets a relayed candidate, but most of<br>
> > the times it doesn't. Can it be related with timeouts?<br>
> It's possible the timeouts are affecting it, but I doubt it, usually the RTT<br>
> would be 200ms, but if you don't get a response from the relay or the stun<br>
> server, it will retry 4 times until it times out after about 3 seconds.<br>
> It's possible though that the server has a limit on the number of allocations<br>
> you can create (probably 5) and if you are testing your app and it creates 2<br>
> allocations each time (one for each side), then it's possible the server starts<br>
> rejecting your allocation requests (each time you want to use TURN, it will ask<br>
> the server to allocate a port for you for that specific connection, so you have<br>
> the same settings but one port for each stream/component).<br>
> If that's the case, maybe that's why it sometimes works (when the allocation<br>
> times out from the server). libnice should technically deallocate when the<br>
> stream is destroyed, so maybe catch your Ctrl-C and do an unref on the agent<br>
> before returning from the main.<br>
> ><br>
> > Either way, it can never get a pair a establish a connection. :(<br>
> > I don't have a clue why this happens..<br>
> A log + wireshark dump might be helpful in this case. You can enable logging<br>
> with :<br>
> export NICE_DEBUG=all<br>
> ><br>
> > Can you please have a look?<br>
> The code looks sane enough.. apart from the obvious method of exchanging<br>
> candidates which isn't "optimal". One thing I noticed though, you just fwrite<br>
> the whole structure, but note that there are pointers in the structure that will<br>
> be written as is to the file, and not their content. I'm thinking of<br>
> username+password (but those should be NULL if you use the RFC5245 compatibility<br>
> mode) but mostly the turn structure (which is just for local candidates and<br>
> wouldn't be used anyways for remote ones, but it's best to set it to NULL to<br>
> avoid possible crashes).<br>
> ><br>
> > Cheers,<br>
> > Tiago<br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Youness Alaoui<br>
> <<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>><br>
</div></div><div class="HOEnZb"><div class="h5">> > <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>>>> wrote:<br>
> ><br>
> > Hi again Tiago,<br>
> ><br>
> > For the remote candidates, you will need a third party server to<br>
> exchange that<br>
> > information, usually the candidates would be sent over SIP or XMPP for<br>
> example.<br>
> > ICE cannot work if you don't have a third party server with which you can<br>
> > reliably exchange candidates. For testing purposes you could have it<br>
> print the<br>
> > candidates to stdout, and you could copy/paste that into stdin of the<br>
> other<br>
> > instance and have it parse the input.. or you could hardcode a port to<br>
> connect<br>
> > to and do the candidate exchange.. there's no easy way of doing that<br>
> though.<br>
> > You cannot hardcode the candidates because the port used will be random<br>
> > everytime, also, you will need to exchange the randomly generated<br>
> > username/password (nice_agent_get_local_credentials +<br>
> > nice_agent_set_remote_credentials) to make the connectivity checks work.<br>
> ><br>
> > As for your example, here are a few comments :<br>
> > 1 - you call the nice_agent_set_relay_info with stream_id being<br>
> uninitialized,<br>
> > you must call it *after* you do the nice_agent_add_stream...<br>
> > 2 - you don't need those GValues, you can just do<br>
> > g_object_set (G_OBJECT(agent),<br>
> > "stun-server", "",<br>
> > "stun-server-port", 3478,<br>
> > NULL);<br>
> > 3 - You shouldn't set the remote credentials as the same as the local ones<br>
> > 4 - In your print_candidate_info, you may also want to print the port<br>
> used.<br>
> ><br>
> > I hope this helps, let me know if you have further questions.<br>
> ><br>
> > Youness.<br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > On 11/03/2011 12:57 PM, Tiago Sá wrote:<br>
> > > Hi Youness,<br>
> > ><br>
> > > I have been trying to create a simple application based on the first<br>
> link you<br>
> > > pointed before.<br>
> > > Thanks for the tips you gave me. I have a couple of questions though, if<br>
> > you can<br>
> > > help me.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > I need to find a way to get the remote candidates passed from a peer to<br>
> > another.<br>
> > > Can you point an easy way to do that?<br>
> > > Could I hardcode the remote candidates list, for testing purposes?<br>
> > ><br>
> > > Right now, I only get two local candidates (HOST and SERVER_REFLEXIVE).<br>
> > > I am trying to use the numb TURN server, shouldn't I get a RELAYED<br>
> > candidate too?<br>
> > ><br>
> > > I am attaching the code. Can you please have a look at the code and<br>
> check<br>
> > where<br>
> > > the error could be?<br>
> > ><br>
> > > Thanks for helping!<br>
> > ><br>
> > > Regards,<br>
> > > Tiago Sá<br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > > On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Youness Alaoui<br>
> > <<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>>><br>
> > > <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>><br>
> > <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk">youness.alaoui@collabora.co.uk</a>>>>> wrote:<br>
> > ><br>
> > > Hi,<br>
> > ><br>
> > > Welcome to the world of libnice :)<br>
> > > Yes, doing NAT traversal is far from being easy, the only<br>
> solution is<br>
> > pretty<br>
> > > much to use the ICE specification and that's not easy to<br>
> implement, so<br>
> > that's<br>
> > > why you'd need to use libnice.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > For an example, you can have a look at the unit tests, like<br>
> > > tests/test-fullmode.c for example, although that does a lot of<br>
> stuff.<br>
> > You can<br>
> > > see a quick example in the documentation for NiceAgent :<br>
> > > <a href="http://nice.freedesktop.org/libnice/NiceAgent.html" target="_blank">http://nice.freedesktop.org/libnice/NiceAgent.html</a><br>
> > ><br>
> > > For smaller examples, you can look at the libnice mailing list<br>
> > archives, some<br>
> > > people posted their example code where they were having<br>
> problems. For<br>
> > example, a<br>
> > > very simple example can be seen here :<br>
> > > <a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2011-January/000404.html" target="_blank">http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2011-January/000404.html</a><br>
> > > But make sure to click on the "Next message" to read the whole<br>
> thread<br>
> > because<br>
> > > that example had a bug that I explained how to fix in the following<br>
> > emails.<br>
> > > Same for this thread :<br>
> > > <a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2011-October/000434.html" target="_blank">http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2011-October/000434.html</a><br>
> > ><br>
> > > I hope that helps,<br>
> > > Youness.<br>
> > ><br>
> > > On 10/19/2011 09:58 AM, Tiago Sá wrote:<br>
> > > > Hi all,<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > my name is Tiago Sá, I am a junior researcher from Portugal<br>
> and this<br>
> > is my<br>
> > > first<br>
> > > > mail to this list.<br>
> > > > I have a NAT traversal problem to solve and I have been<br>
> looking for<br>
> > a solution<br>
> > > > during the last weeks, which, as I found out, is not so<br>
> trivial as I<br>
> > > thought before.<br>
> > > > As stated on the libnice homepage, libnice seems to be what I am<br>
> > looking for:<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > "ICE is useful for applications that want to establish<br>
> peer-to-peer<br>
> > > UDP data<br>
> > > > streams. It automates the process of traversing NATs and<br>
> > provides security<br>
> > > > against some attacks. It also allows applications to<br>
> create reliable<br>
> > > streams<br>
> > > > using a TCP over UDP layer."<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > I have been looking for the provided documentation and I am<br>
> feeling kind<br>
> > > of lost.<br>
> > > > Is there any example application or tutorial to get started?<br>
> > > > Could you please share a basic application of this kind or<br>
> point me a<br>
> > > direction?<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > Thanks in advance for your help.<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > Regards,<br>
> > > > Tiago Sá<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > --<br>
> > > > Tiago Sá<br>
> > > > Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal<br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > <a href="http://about.me/tiagosa/" target="_blank">http://about.me/tiagosa/</a><br>
> > > ><br>
> > > ><br>
> > > ><br>
> > > > _______________________________________________<br>
> > > > Nice mailing list<br>
> > > > <a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>>><br>
> > <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>>>><br>
> > > > <a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/nice" target="_blank">http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/nice</a><br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > > _______________________________________________<br>
> > > Nice mailing list<br>
> > > <a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>>><br>
> > <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:Nice@lists.freedesktop.org">Nice@lists.freedesktop.org</a>>>><br>
> > > <a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/nice" target="_blank">http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/nice</a><br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > ><br>
> > > --<br>
> > > Tiago Sá<br>
> > > Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal<br>
> > > <a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">www.tiagosa.com</a> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>><br>
> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>><br>
> > ><br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> ><br>
> > --<br>
> > Tiago Sá<br>
> > Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal<br>
> > <a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">www.tiagosa.com</a> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>><br>
> ><br>
> --<br>
> Tiago Sá<br>
> Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal<br>
> <a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">www.tiagosa.com</a> <<a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">http://www.tiagosa.com</a>><br>
</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>Tiago Sá<br>Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal<div><img src="http://wac.2659.edgecastcdn.net/802659/production80/images/icons/favicon.ico"> <a href="http://www.tiagosa.com" target="_blank">www.tiagosa.com</a><br>