[Nouveau] mesa: Patch that fix/add missing WAIT_RING calls

Lucas Stach dev at lynxeye.de
Thu Dec 16 08:20:58 PST 2010

Hi Michel,

had a short look on this, as far as i can tell at the time the patch
looks fairly good and we really need this checks.

Some small notes:

1. In loops with fixed iterations the WAIT_RING should be called before
the loop, not inside. I think it is ok if we waste a few pushbuf entries
to avoid calling libdrm too often.

See for example nvfx_push_vbo and nvfx_render_prim.

2. You decreased the size of the checks in several places. We should
review all of them before pushing this changes. I remember some of them
had some offset for some crude reason. I will review them by this
weekend if no one does it earlier.

-- lynxeye

Am Donnerstag, den 16.12.2010, 12:22 +0100 schrieb Michel Hermier:
> Hi,
> While trying to run a 3D app I needed to modify/add some WAIT_RING
> calls so the push buffer is properly checked, before we try to blindly
> push to it (sine OUT_RING don't perform this checks yet, I have a
> small patch for that for libdrm).
> I allready discussed about it with lynxeye and shining on IRC.
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