[Nouveau] [PATCH 0/2] reclocking stability improvements

Martin Peres martin.peres at free.fr
Thu Apr 28 11:35:22 PDT 2011

Le 28/04/2011 20:29, Maxim Levitsky a écrit :
> On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 20:24 +0200, Martin Peres wrote:
>> Le 28/04/2011 18:58, Maxim Levitsky a écrit :
>>> Interesting fact is that GPU temperatures rise to very high levels
>>> (~75C) even while doing CPU only work (like compiling kernel for
>>> example).
>> Let me guess, you're on a laptop? The temperature of the case goes up
>> when the processor is working and so, it cools the GPU less ;)
> Yes, but that doesn't happen while using nvidia to this extent.
> I think that GPU has many units running in endless loop doing nothing
> but consuming power (~5W) difference!
I really need to have a look at this. I have a power meter now (acpi 
reports me funky power consumption figures because my battery is dead).

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