[Nouveau] Project for Nouveau under the X.Org EVoC Program [Selected]

Supreet Pal Singh supreetpal at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 13:49:04 PDT 2012

Hey guys

I am Supreet and my proposal to work for Nouveau over this summer under the
X.Org EVoC got selected. I have been working under the mentoring of Martin
Peres (mupuf) over the past few weeks to understand and prepare myself for
the task.

I will work to implement a scripting engine on Fermi for achieving safe
memory re-clocking. I have blogged about the project summary and
implementation steps. You can find it over here
http://supreetpal.blogspot.in/2012/06/nouveau-summer-project.html . Any
kind of suggestions, feedback and help to successfully complete this
project would be highly appreciated.

Please feel free to write back and/or comment on the blog-post.

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