[Nouveau] hardware donation (GeForce 6600 & GTS250)

Roy Spliet r.spliet at student.tudelft.nl
Wed May 29 06:30:16 PDT 2013

Dear Patrick,

For experiments with performance scaling the GTS250 could be a useful 
card. If there is no other developer that could use this card better, 
I'm interested.


Op 29-05-13 13:12, Patrick schreef:
> hello nouveau devs!
> I have two nvidia cards lying around that are no longer in use:
> * Nvidia GeForce GTS250 E-Green, 512MB GDDR3 (NV92/G92 - NV50 family)
> * Nvidia GeForce 6600, 256MB (NV43 - NV40 family)
> They both are already well supported by the nouveau driver as far as I can
> tell. But if any dev can make use of them, please let me know, I would
> gladly donate them.
> Patrick
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