<div dir="ltr">Hi, all,<br><br>I just installed opensuse 11, 64-bit from the kde live cd. I use icewm - gnome and kde desktops are too busy and windowish for my taste, but a lot of programs that I run depend on kde. My video card is a geforce 7600. I'm using the nvidia driver because I couldn't figure out any other way to have dual-monitor support. I am new to opensuse, having used debian lenny previously, and windows before that (vista drove me to linux). I am still something of a linux newbie. I am reasonably comfortable working at the command line and yast is driving me nuts. <br>
<br>I am interested in trying out the nouveau driver, but only if the end result stands a good chance of fixing a problem and adding a benefit. I searched the opensuse forums and your archives, and googled around, and came up with not much information about using nouveau and opensuse. I read through the documentation about how to install nouveau and was not comfortable just diving in and trying to follow the instructions. My first stumbling block is that for some reason all of a sudden yast stubbornly refuses to allow me to add any new repositories. I think I could get around this problem by downloading rpms to my local rpm repository. However, my second stumbling block is that the very word "git" just makes me think I'm getting in over my head. <br>
<br>I have a NEC 2190uxi LCD, resolution 1600x1200 and an old Samsung Syncmaster 700s CRT, resolution 1280x1024, currently running a 2880x1200 desktop (Samsung below NEC) with twinview. The NEC can physically rotate to portrait position. The Samsung, obviously, doesn't rotate.<br>
<br>I don't play games on my computer. I do a lot of 16-bit image processing, but strictly 2-D. I do run google-earth, which probably uses 3-D. <br><br>Here's the problem: The proprietary nvidia driver doesn't regulate the fan speed, so my fan runs at full speed all the time. And the proprietary nvidia driver doesn't support randr 1.2. <br>
<br>Here's the benefits that would make the pain of trying to get nouveau working on my computer worthwhile: regulated fan speed and the ability to rotate the image on the NEC to portrait mode, while not rotating the image on the Samsung.<br>
<br>Can randr actually rotate the image on one screen, while not rotating the image on the other screen?<br><br>Can nouveau work with randr to perform the above rotation with my video card on opensuse 11?<br><br>If "yes" to the above questions, can someone on the nouveau mailing list help me get this stuff working? I'm not a complete computer idiot - I designed and built my workstation (tyan, opteron, etc) myself. I installed debian beginning with net install and a console-only minimal system. I've built hugin and a few other packages from source/cvs. But I don't really understand what I'm doing in linux (i'm just good at following directions) and as I said, the opensuse yast thing is painful. And when I try to find how to do stuff in opensuse from the command line, half the time the information turns out to be no longer valid. So if I try to use nouveau I would really need some assistance from someone much more knowledgeable than myself.<br>
<br>Anyway, either way, keep up the good work. I like the direction the randr and nouveau projects are going. <br><br>elle stone<br><br><br><br><br><br></div>