I have a GTS 450 and love the way nouveau runs in 2d, I was looking to test 3D and have extracted most of the firmware from the Nvidia blob. Is f841a1c4 the correct register to retrieve the fuc41ad firmware file? When I try the following:<br>
<br># insert correct register in next line<br>grep f841a1c4 ../mydump.txt \<br>| awk '{print $6}' | grep -oP '(?<=0x).*' | \<br> python -c \<br>"<br>import struct; import sys; fd = open(\"fuc41ad\", \"wb\");<br>
for line in sys.stdin:<br> fd.write(struct.pack(\"@I\", int(line.rstrip(), 16)))<br>"<br>It results in the fuc41ad file being written as a text file with the date Feb 12 2011 ? Is this correct? All three other firmware files are written as binary files... I know a bit of python and bash but am drawing a blank on this. <br>
<br>Thank you all in advance for any help. Much appreciated. <br>