<div dir="ltr">So I had this crazy idea to put together a cheap <a href="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-GNJ97iKoU3Y/UumgZ62KESI/AAAAAAAAa8Y/t07wL1D7Tmk/w931-h698-no/IMG_20140125_210754.jpg">video wall</a> in my local hackerspace using<div>
a lot of screens suffering from planned obsolescence or at least a poor choice in their used caps</div><div>and cheap - used Nvidia NVS 440 cards.</div><div><br></div><div>During evaluation of Win 7/8 I noticed there was an 8 gpu OS limit that I didn't know of before.</div>
<div>I also ran into that limt using the proprietary nvidia driver on Linux.<br></div><div><br></div><div>So now I'm trying to see how far nouveau is in regards to "multiple" gpu's and </div><div>after 3 evenigs of fiddling with mostly xorg.conf I just got the first 4 gpu's / 8 displays working.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I'm stuck on the 3rd card / gpu 5+6 / monitors 9-12.</div><div><br></div><div>Without spending another few evenings I thought I might check in with you guys first whether</div><div>you think it's possible driving a 6400x4096 video wall with nouveau</div>
<div>and 5 Nvidia NVS 440 cards (NV43) (10 gpus with dual head) - if not I might be willing to donate</div><div>the cards for development if someone is interested.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Best Regards,<br>