Hi all,<br><br>I am happy to inform you that we are getting closer to the end of the GSoC session with Felix. There has been a lot of hard work done. I would like to get attica and the fresh code released as soon as possible, to actually utilize the fruit of this summer. :) I would like to encourage you to provide feedback (only received from Felix on IRC so far) about the JSON draft which I have proposed here:<br>
<br><a href="http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/ocs/2012-July/000206.html">http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/ocs/2012-July/000206.html</a><br><br>I would not personally like to release a new attica version before the specification has the capability for defining the JSON data flow. Due to this, and other reasons (i.e. achievement module, ongoing finalization of the dependency feature discussion in case the content service, and so forth), I would like to propose a new OCS specification release, 1.7.<br>
<br>One important question is that: how much shall we wait for feedback? It has been there openly for few weeks without any public objections so far apart from minor typo and other issues noted on IRC, and already fixed. In my opinion, it is worse to wait long months for feedback and not released, even if I am sure it is imperfect as of now. I believe, that we might be able to get more feedback and clients once it is released and we begin to blog about this availability.<br>
<br>Another question is to Frank: do you have enough time for making a new release after I manually merge the JSON draft in, at some point, or shall we just go ahead?<br><br>Any feedback is welcome and highly appreciated!<br>