[ooo-build-commit] .: 3 commits - patches/dev300

Fridrich Strba fridrich at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Sep 15 06:20:32 PDT 2010

 patches/dev300/apply                                 |    8 
 patches/dev300/enable-sheet-protection-options.diff  |   20 -
 patches/dev300/sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff |  105 -----
 patches/dev300/sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff        |  340 -------------------
 4 files changed, 473 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bed179f071357a57f09fd39e718257f81748d15d
Author: Fridrich Å trba <fridrich.strba at bluewin.ch>
Date:   Wed Sep 15 15:17:55 2010 +0200

    sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff: Migrate to git

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 4f79d87..2c3452b 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -524,9 +524,6 @@ sw-ww8-styles-import-fix.diff, i#21939, cbosdo
 # keybindings: <ctrl> +/‑ to insert/delete a complete line in calc (X#62530)
 calc-new-acceleration.diff, i#67029, michael
-# Have cell background paint over the gridlines.
-sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff, n#361360, i#3907, kohei
 # Make cell number format toolbar icons togglable & remove the standard format
 # button.
 sc-cellformat-icon-toggle.diff, n#358548, i#86377, kohei
diff --git a/patches/dev300/sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff b/patches/dev300/sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b6dd3..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
- sc/source/ui/inc/output.hxx    |    1 +
- sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx |    3 ++-
- sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx   |   27 ++++++++++++++++-----------
- 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git sc/source/ui/inc/output.hxx sc/source/ui/inc/output.hxx
-index 1e27162..e9e3d30 100644
---- sc/source/ui/inc/output.hxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/inc/output.hxx
-@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ public:
-     void	DrawGrid( BOOL bGrid, BOOL bPage );
-     void	DrawStrings( BOOL bPixelToLogic = FALSE );
-+    void    DrawDocumentBackground();
-     void	DrawBackground();
-     void	DrawShadow();
-     void	DrawExtraShadow(BOOL bLeft, BOOL bTop, BOOL bRight, BOOL bBottom);
-diff --git sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
-index 1538bab..5f8de30 100644
---- sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/view/gridwin4.cxx
-@@ -733,9 +733,10 @@ void ScGridWindow::Draw( SCCOL nX1, SCROW nY1, SCCOL nX2, SCROW nY2, ScUpdateMod
-         aOutputData.SetSolidBackground(TRUE);
-     pContentDev->SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
--    aOutputData.DrawBackground();
-+    aOutputData.DrawDocumentBackground();
-     if ( bGridFirst && ( bGrid || bPage ) )
-         aOutputData.DrawGrid( bGrid, bPage );
-+    aOutputData.DrawBackground();
-     if ( bPageMode )
-     {
-         // #87655# DrawPagePreview draws complete lines/page numbers, must always be clipped
-diff --git sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
-index 0724dd0..bdab25f 100644
---- sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/view/output.cxx
-@@ -785,14 +785,23 @@ BOOL lcl_EqualBack( const RowInfo& rFirst, const RowInfo& rOther,
-     return TRUE;
- }
--void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
-+void ScOutputData::DrawDocumentBackground()
- {
--    FindRotated();				//! von aussen ?
-+    if ( !bSolidBackground )
-+        return;
--    ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
-+    Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
-+    long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
-+    long nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
-+    Rectangle aRect(nScrX - nOneX, nScrY - nOneY, nScrX + nScrW, nScrY + nScrH);
-+    Color aBgColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor );
-+    pDev->SetFillColor(aBgColor);
-+    pDev->DrawRect(aRect);
--    // used only if bSolidBackground is set (only for ScGridWindow):
--    Color aBgColor( pScMod->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor );
-+void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
-+    FindRotated();				//! von aussen ?
-     Rectangle aRect;
-     Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
-@@ -841,7 +850,7 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
-                 long nPosX = nScrX;
-                 if ( bLayoutRTL )
-                     nPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
--                aRect = Rectangle( nPosX,nPosY, nPosX,nPosY+nRowHeight-nOneY );
-+                aRect = Rectangle( nPosX, nPosY-nOneY, nPosX, nPosY+nRowHeight-nOneY );
-                 const SvxBrushItem* pOldBackground = NULL;
-                 const SvxBrushItem* pBackground;
-@@ -889,15 +898,13 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
-                         if (pOldBackground)				// ==0 if hidden
-                         {
-                             Color aBackCol = pOldBackground->GetColor();
--                            if ( bSolidBackground && aBackCol.GetTransparency() )
--                                aBackCol = aBgColor;
-                             if ( !aBackCol.GetTransparency() )		//! partial transparency?
-                             {
-                                 pDev->SetFillColor( aBackCol );
-                                 pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
-                             }
-                         }
--                        aRect.Left() = nPosX;
-+                        aRect.Left() = nPosX - nSignedOneX;
-                         pOldBackground = pBackground;
-                     }
-                     nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
-@@ -906,8 +913,6 @@ void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
-                 if (pOldBackground)
-                 {
-                     Color aBackCol = pOldBackground->GetColor();
--                    if ( bSolidBackground && aBackCol.GetTransparency() )
--                        aBackCol = aBgColor;
-                     if ( !aBackCol.GetTransparency() )		//! partial transparency?
-                     {
-                         pDev->SetFillColor( aBackCol );
commit b092cbc9f9049821bad8e0130db7b81ba9fdff7b
Author: Fridrich Å trba <fridrich.strba at bluewin.ch>
Date:   Wed Sep 15 15:13:29 2010 +0200

    sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff: Migrated to git

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index e9acfba..4f79d87 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -524,9 +524,6 @@ sw-ww8-styles-import-fix.diff, i#21939, cbosdo
 # keybindings: <ctrl> +/‑ to insert/delete a complete line in calc (X#62530)
 calc-new-acceleration.diff, i#67029, michael
-# Dynyamically resize filtered range when new data rows are present.
-sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff, n#352662, i#85305, kohei
 # Have cell background paint over the gridlines.
 sc-cellbackground-over-gridlines.diff, n#361360, i#3907, kohei
diff --git a/patches/dev300/sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff b/patches/dev300/sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc76b7..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- sc/inc/dbcolect.hxx                |    6 ++++--
- sc/inc/document.hxx                |    3 +++
- sc/inc/queryparam.hxx              |    2 ++
- sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx   |   14 ++++++++++++++
- sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx     |    3 ++-
- sc/source/core/tool/dbcolect.cxx   |   16 ++++++++++++----
- sc/source/core/tool/queryparam.cxx |   16 +++++++++++++---
- sc/source/ui/dbgui/filtdlg.cxx     |    2 +-
- sc/source/ui/inc/dbfunc.hxx        |    2 +-
- sc/source/ui/view/dbfunc.cxx       |   15 ++++++++++++---
- sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx      |    1 +
- sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshc.cxx     |    6 ++++--
- 12 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
-diff --git sc/inc/dbcolect.hxx sc/inc/dbcolect.hxx
-index 8be1868..0066650 100644
---- sc/inc/dbcolect.hxx
-+++ sc/inc/dbcolect.hxx
-@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ private:
-     ScQueryConnect  eQueryConnect[MAXQUERY];
-     BOOL			bIsAdvanced;		// TRUE if created by advanced filter
-     ScRange			aAdvSource;			// source range
-+    SCROW           nDynamicEndRow;
-     // SubTotalParam
-     BOOL			bSubRemoveOnly;
-     BOOL			bSubReplace;
-@@ -138,9 +139,10 @@ public:
-             const String& GetName() const				{ return aName; }
-             void		GetName(String& rName) const	{ rName = aName; }
-             void		SetName(const String& rName)	{ aName = rName; }
--            void		GetArea(SCTAB& rTab, SCCOL& rCol1, SCROW& rRow1, SCCOL& rCol2, SCROW& rRow2) const;
--            SC_DLLPUBLIC void		GetArea(ScRange& rRange) const;
-+            void		GetArea(SCTAB& rTab, SCCOL& rCol1, SCROW& rRow1, SCCOL& rCol2, SCROW& rRow2, bool bUseDynamicRange = false) const;
-+            SC_DLLPUBLIC void		GetArea(ScRange& rRange, bool bUseDynamicRange = false) const;
-             void		SetArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2);
-+            void        SetDynamicEndRow(SCROW nRow);
-             void		MoveTo(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2);
-             BOOL		IsByRow() const 				{ return bByRow; }
-             void		SetByRow(BOOL bByR) 			{ bByRow = bByR; }
-diff --git sc/inc/document.hxx sc/inc/document.hxx
-index 7313e02..a747095 100644
---- sc/inc/document.hxx
-+++ sc/inc/document.hxx
-@@ -1459,6 +1459,9 @@ public:
-                                         SCTAB nTab, ScQueryParam& rQueryParam );
-     void 			GetUpperCellString(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, String& rStr);
-+    /** Update the dynamic end row position of a current data area. */
-+    void            UpdateDynamicEndRow(ScDBData& rDBData) const;
-     BOOL			GetFilterEntries( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab,
-                                 bool bFilter, TypedScStrCollection& rStrings, bool& rHasDates);
-     SC_DLLPUBLIC BOOL			GetFilterEntriesArea( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow,
-diff --git sc/inc/queryparam.hxx sc/inc/queryparam.hxx
-index bc50237..01ddffb 100644
---- sc/inc/queryparam.hxx
-+++ sc/inc/queryparam.hxx
-@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ struct SC_DLLPUBLIC ScQueryParam : public ScQueryParamBase, public ScQueryParamT
-     SCTAB           nDestTab;
-     SCCOL           nDestCol;
-     SCROW           nDestRow;
-+    SCROW           nDynamicEndRow;
-+    bool            bUseDynamicRange;
-     ScQueryParam();
-     ScQueryParam( const ScQueryParam& r );
-diff --git sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
-index 30a376a..cce3c02 100644
---- sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
-+++ sc/source/core/data/documen3.cxx
-@@ -1267,6 +1267,18 @@ BOOL ScDocument::HasRowHeader( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol,
-     //return FALSE;
- }
-+void ScDocument::UpdateDynamicEndRow(ScDBData& rDBData) const
-+    SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
-+    SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
-+    SCTAB nTab;
-+    rDBData.GetArea(nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2);
-+    SCCOL nCol1a = nCol1, nCol2a = nCol2;
-+    SCROW nRow1a = nRow1, nRow2a = nRow2;
-+    GetDataArea(nTab, nCol1a, nRow1a, nCol2a, nRow2a, false, false);
-+    rDBData.SetDynamicEndRow(nRow2a);
- //
- //	GetFilterEntries - Eintraege fuer AutoFilter-Listbox
- //
-@@ -1279,6 +1291,7 @@ BOOL ScDocument::GetFilterEntries(
-         ScDBData* pDBData = pDBCollection->GetDBAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, FALSE);	//!??
-         if (pDBData)
-         {
-+            UpdateDynamicEndRow(*pDBData);
-             SCTAB nAreaTab;
-             SCCOL nStartCol;
-             SCROW nStartRow;
-@@ -1290,6 +1303,7 @@ BOOL ScDocument::GetFilterEntries(
-             ScQueryParam aParam;
-             pDBData->GetQueryParam( aParam );
-+            nEndRow = aParam.nDynamicEndRow;
-             rStrings.SetCaseSensitive( aParam.bCaseSens );
-             // return all filter entries, if a filter condition is connected with a boolean OR
-diff --git sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx
-index e789cdd..c76ca08 100644
---- sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx
-+++ sc/source/core/data/table3.cxx
-@@ -1634,6 +1634,7 @@ SCSIZE ScTable::Query(ScQueryParam& rParamOrg, BOOL bKeepSub)
-     BOOL* pSpecial = new BOOL[nEntryCount];
-     lcl_PrepareQuery( pDocument, this, aParam, pSpecial );
-+    SCROW nEndRow = aParam.bUseDynamicRange ? aParam.nDynamicEndRow : aParam.nRow2;
-     if (!aParam.bInplace)
-     {
-         nOutRow = aParam.nDestRow + nHeader;
-@@ -1642,7 +1643,7 @@ SCSIZE ScTable::Query(ScQueryParam& rParamOrg, BOOL bKeepSub)
-                             aParam.nDestCol, aParam.nDestRow, aParam.nDestTab );
-     }
--    for (SCROW j=aParam.nRow1 + nHeader; j<=aParam.nRow2; j++)
-+    for (SCROW j=aParam.nRow1 + nHeader; j<=nEndRow; j++)
-     {
-         BOOL bResult;									// Filterergebnis
-         BOOL bValid = ValidQuery(j, aParam, pSpecial);
-diff --git sc/source/core/tool/dbcolect.cxx sc/source/core/tool/dbcolect.cxx
-index 92fef62..07bbba4 100644
---- sc/source/core/tool/dbcolect.cxx
-+++ sc/source/core/tool/dbcolect.cxx
-@@ -378,18 +378,20 @@ String ScDBData::GetOperations() const
-     return aVal;
- }
--void ScDBData::GetArea(SCTAB& rTab, SCCOL& rCol1, SCROW& rRow1, SCCOL& rCol2, SCROW& rRow2) const
-+void ScDBData::GetArea(SCTAB& rTab, SCCOL& rCol1, SCROW& rRow1, SCCOL& rCol2, SCROW& rRow2,
-+                       bool bUseDynamicRange) const
- {
-     rTab  = nTable;
-     rCol1 = nStartCol;
-     rRow1 = nStartRow;
-     rCol2 = nEndCol;
--    rRow2 = nEndRow;
-+    rRow2 = bUseDynamicRange ? nDynamicEndRow : nEndRow;
- }
--void ScDBData::GetArea(ScRange& rRange) const
-+void ScDBData::GetArea(ScRange& rRange, bool bUseDynamicRange) const
- {
--    rRange = ScRange( nStartCol,nStartRow,nTable, nEndCol,nEndRow,nTable );
-+    SCROW nNewEndRow = bUseDynamicRange ? nDynamicEndRow : nEndRow;
-+    rRange = ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTable, nEndCol, nNewEndRow, nTable );
- }
- void ScDBData::SetArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2)
-@@ -401,6 +403,11 @@ void ScDBData::SetArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW
-     nEndRow   = nRow2;
- }
-+void ScDBData::SetDynamicEndRow(SCROW nRow)
-+    nDynamicEndRow = nRow;
- void ScDBData::MoveTo(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2)
- {
-     USHORT i;
-@@ -508,6 +515,7 @@ void ScDBData::GetQueryParam( ScQueryParam& rQueryParam ) const
-     rQueryParam.nDestTab = nQueryDestTab;
-     rQueryParam.nDestCol = nQueryDestCol;
-     rQueryParam.nDestRow = nQueryDestRow;
-+    rQueryParam.nDynamicEndRow = nDynamicEndRow;
-     rQueryParam.Resize( MAXQUERY );
-     for (SCSIZE i=0; i<MAXQUERY; i++)
-diff --git sc/source/core/tool/queryparam.cxx sc/source/core/tool/queryparam.cxx
-index 7b129e6..80dd170 100644
---- sc/source/core/tool/queryparam.cxx
-+++ sc/source/core/tool/queryparam.cxx
-@@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ ScQueryParam::ScQueryParam() :
- ScQueryParam::ScQueryParam( const ScQueryParam& r ) :
-     ScQueryParamBase(r),
-     ScQueryParamTable(r),
--    bDestPers(r.bDestPers), nDestTab(r.nDestTab), nDestCol(r.nDestCol), nDestRow(r.nDestRow)
-+    bDestPers(r.bDestPers), nDestTab(r.nDestTab), nDestCol(r.nDestCol), nDestRow(r.nDestRow),
-+    nDynamicEndRow(r.nDynamicEndRow), bUseDynamicRange(r.bUseDynamicRange)
- {
- }
-@@ -195,7 +196,9 @@ ScQueryParam::ScQueryParam( const ScDBQueryParamInternal& r ) :
-     bDestPers(true),
-     nDestTab(0),
-     nDestCol(0),
--    nDestRow(0)
-+    nDestRow(0),
-+    nDynamicEndRow(0),
-+    bUseDynamicRange(false)
- {
- }
-@@ -229,6 +232,8 @@ void ScQueryParam::ClearDestParams()
-     nDestTab = 0;
-     nDestCol = 0;
-     nDestRow = 0;
-+    nDynamicEndRow = 0;
-+    bUseDynamicRange = false;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -251,6 +256,8 @@ ScQueryParam& ScQueryParam::operator=( const ScQueryParam& r )
-     bDuplicate  = r.bDuplicate;
-     bByRow      = r.bByRow;
-     bDestPers   = r.bDestPers;
-+    nDynamicEndRow = r.nDynamicEndRow;
-+    bUseDynamicRange = r.bUseDynamicRange;
-     maEntries = r.maEntries;
-@@ -289,7 +296,9 @@ BOOL ScQueryParam::operator==( const ScQueryParam& rOther ) const
-         && (bDestPers   == rOther.bDestPers)
-         && (nDestTab    == rOther.nDestTab)
-         && (nDestCol    == rOther.nDestCol)
--        && (nDestRow    == rOther.nDestRow) )
-+        && (nDestRow    == rOther.nDestRow)
-+        && (nDynamicEndRow == rOther.nDynamicEndRow)
-+        && (bUseDynamicRange == rOther.bUseDynamicRange) )
-     {
-         bEqual = TRUE;
-         for ( SCSIZE i=0; i<nUsed && bEqual; i++ )
-@@ -313,6 +322,7 @@ void ScQueryParam::MoveToDest()
-         nCol2 = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( nCol2 + nDifX );
-         nRow2 = sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>( nRow2 + nDifY );
-         nTab  = sal::static_int_cast<SCTAB>( nTab  + nDifZ );
-+        nDynamicEndRow = sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>( nDynamicEndRow + nDifY );
-         size_t n = maEntries.size();
-         for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
-             maEntries[i].nField += nDifX;
-diff --git sc/source/ui/dbgui/filtdlg.cxx sc/source/ui/dbgui/filtdlg.cxx
-index 728bf21..649e886 100644
---- sc/source/ui/dbgui/filtdlg.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/dbgui/filtdlg.cxx
-@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ void ScFilterDlg::UpdateValueList( USHORT nList )
-                 USHORT nOffset = GetSliderPos();
-                 SCTAB nTab		 = nSrcTab;
-                 SCROW nFirstRow = theQueryData.nRow1;
--                SCROW nLastRow	 = theQueryData.nRow2;
-+                SCROW nLastRow   = theQueryData.bUseDynamicRange ? theQueryData.nDynamicEndRow : theQueryData.nRow2;
-                 mbHasDates[nOffset+nList-1] = false;
-                 //	erstmal ohne die erste Zeile
-diff --git sc/source/ui/inc/dbfunc.hxx sc/source/ui/inc/dbfunc.hxx
-index 257e3fa..d517694 100644
---- sc/source/ui/inc/dbfunc.hxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/inc/dbfunc.hxx
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public:
-     void			GotoDBArea( const String& rDBName );
-                     // DB-Bereich vom Cursor
--    ScDBData* 		GetDBData( BOOL bMarkArea = TRUE, ScGetDBMode eMode = SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection eSel = SC_DBSEL_KEEP );
-+    ScDBData* 		GetDBData( BOOL bMarkArea = TRUE, ScGetDBMode eMode = SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection eSel = SC_DBSEL_KEEP, bool bShrinkToData = false, bool bExpandRows = false );
-     void			NotifyCloseDbNameDlg( const ScDBCollection& rNewColl, const List& rDelAreaList );
-diff --git sc/source/ui/view/dbfunc.cxx sc/source/ui/view/dbfunc.cxx
-index 308df11..2eefb06 100644
---- sc/source/ui/view/dbfunc.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/view/dbfunc.cxx
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void ScDBFunc::GotoDBArea( const String& rDBName )
- //	aktuellen Datenbereich fuer Sortieren / Filtern suchen
--ScDBData* ScDBFunc::GetDBData( BOOL bMark, ScGetDBMode eMode, ScGetDBSelection eSel )
-+ScDBData* ScDBFunc::GetDBData( BOOL bMark, ScGetDBMode eMode, ScGetDBSelection eSel, bool bShrinkToData, bool bExpandRows )
- {
-     ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData()->GetDocShell();
-     ScDBData* pData = NULL;
-@@ -179,10 +179,19 @@ ScDBData* ScDBFunc::GetDBData( BOOL bMark, ScGetDBMode eMode, ScGetDBSelection e
-                              GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ),
-                     eMode, SC_DBSEL_KEEP );
--    if ( pData && bMark )
-+    if (!pData)
-+        return NULL;
-+    if (bExpandRows)
-+    {
-+        // Dynamically expand rows to include any new data rows that are
-+        // immediately below the original range.
-+        GetViewData()->GetDocument()->UpdateDynamicEndRow(*pData);
-+    }
-+    if (bMark)
-     {
-         ScRange aFound;
--        pData->GetArea(aFound);
-+        pData->GetArea(aFound, bExpandRows);
-         MarkRange( aFound, FALSE );
-     }
-     return pData;
-diff --git sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
-index 02fa9c8..b08f3bb 100644
---- sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/view/gridwin.cxx
-@@ -1289,6 +1289,7 @@ void ScGridWindow::ExecFilter( ULONG nSel,
-                     pViewData->GetViewShell()->UpdateInputHandler();
-                 }
-+                aParam.bUseDynamicRange = true;
-                 pViewData->GetView()->Query( aParam, NULL, TRUE );
-                 pDBData->SetQueryParam( aParam );							// speichern
-             }
-diff --git sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshc.cxx sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshc.cxx
-index ace1aae..1beb938 100644
---- sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshc.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/view/tabvwshc.cxx
-@@ -175,8 +175,9 @@ SfxModelessDialog* ScTabViewShell::CreateRefDialog(
-                                      SCITEM_QUERYDATA,
-                                      SCITEM_QUERYDATA );
--            ScDBData* pDBData = GetDBData( TRUE, SC_DB_MAKE, SC_DBSEL_ROW_DOWN);
-+            ScDBData* pDBData = GetDBData(true, SC_DB_MAKE, SC_DBSEL_ROW_DOWN, true, true);
-             pDBData->GetQueryParam( aQueryParam );
-+            aQueryParam.bUseDynamicRange = true;
-             ScQueryItem aItem( SCITEM_QUERYDATA, GetViewData(), &aQueryParam );
-             ScRange aAdvSource;
-@@ -200,8 +201,9 @@ SfxModelessDialog* ScTabViewShell::CreateRefDialog(
-                                      SCITEM_QUERYDATA,
-                                      SCITEM_QUERYDATA );
--            ScDBData* pDBData = GetDBData( TRUE, SC_DB_MAKE, SC_DBSEL_ROW_DOWN);
-+            ScDBData* pDBData = GetDBData(true, SC_DB_MAKE, SC_DBSEL_ROW_DOWN, true, true);
-             pDBData->GetQueryParam( aQueryParam );
-+            aQueryParam.bUseDynamicRange = true;
-             aArgSet.Put( ScQueryItem( SCITEM_QUERYDATA,
-                                       GetViewData(),
commit c2d8753365c07debea8f7dfb786dde5835013347
Author: Fridrich Å trba <fridrich.strba at bluewin.ch>
Date:   Wed Sep 15 15:07:46 2010 +0200

    enable-sheet-protection-options.diff: Migrate to git

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 99a97a6..e9acfba 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -524,8 +524,6 @@ sw-ww8-styles-import-fix.diff, i#21939, cbosdo
 # keybindings: <ctrl> +/‑ to insert/delete a complete line in calc (X#62530)
 calc-new-acceleration.diff, i#67029, michael
-enable-sheet-protection-options.diff, kohei
 # Dynyamically resize filtered range when new data rows are present.
 sc-dbrange-dynamic-resize.diff, n#352662, i#85305, kohei
diff --git a/patches/dev300/enable-sheet-protection-options.diff b/patches/dev300/enable-sheet-protection-options.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4fd42..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/enable-sheet-protection-options.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- sc/inc/tabprotection.hxx |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git sc/inc/tabprotection.hxx sc/inc/tabprotection.hxx
-index 99294a6..965ea30 100644
---- sc/inc/tabprotection.hxx
-+++ sc/inc/tabprotection.hxx
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- #include <vector>
- #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
- class ScDocument;
- class ScTableProtectionImpl;

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