[ooo-build] Making sure a branch builds

Thorsten Behrens thb at openoffice.org
Tue Dec 15 04:32:05 PST 2009


I've spent some idle cycles hacking up a very rough script that
continually builds a checked-out branch - ooo-build/bin/tinbuild.
The name is borrowed from the moz project's tinderbox tool, that's
also used to make sure stuff builds on a variety of platforms.

If you're interested, this is a very brief howto:

* checkout the branch you want to build automatically *via anonymous
  git clone*
* run autogen & configure as you would do for your distro/setup
  - consider using --with-git for upstream sources, see below
  - subsequent tin builds will reuse the exact setup you did here,
    including --with-num-cpus etc.
* run bin/tinbuild ('tinbuild -h' gives a short help)

The script pulls git updates (with a 15 minutes interval by default), 
and starts building once it detects new commits. The last successful
build will be set aside in a build-'commit_hash' subdir, in case
you're in need to diff code for a build breakage; or you always want
to have latest-and-greatest binaries on your disk.

If you've a local MTA setup, you may consider using tinbuild -m,
that'll spam the last committer on a branch with a failing build
with the error log. Or have a look at
http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/ for a little
script that even supports TLS.

Feedback/suggestions/patches welcome!


-- Thorsten
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