[ooo-build] KDE4 support?

espinosa_cz espinosa_cz at centrum.cz
Sat Feb 13 06:23:30 PST 2010

So I managed to install shiny new OOo 3.2 from you repo, but the main 
feature form me - KDE4 support is still activated. So it is kind of 
disappointment, KDE3 was unfortunately ditched from most distributions.
Sorry if I missed something from this mail list discussion. Could 
someone remind me? Thank you.

I have tried:
$ OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=kde soffice
$ OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP=kde4 soffice
Both appear to have gtk theme. The former option calls "kdefilepicker" 
when attempting to open "open file dialog". There is no such binary on 
my system (in KDE3 used to be kfilepicker, but kdefilepicker??). The 
second option calls classic old OOo open file dialog.
Otherwise they behaves and appears same.

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