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<font face="Calibri">Hi, Congratulations on your hard work and a
wonderful application! I have two suggestions for improvements that I
believe would make a great difference for many of us O-Oo users. I
don't think these would be difficult at all to implement but I'm not a
programmer, otherwise I would write the script myself.<br>
1. Track (record) changes, accept or reject changes and insert
comments should be easily accessible from icons in the toolbar (like
that other program does).<br>
2. Pagination in that other program and in O-Oo is clunky at best and
requires 6 or 7 clicks. Suggestion:<br>
<li>where you currently have the dialog box for pagination, allow the
user to give each pagination style entered a name and to save it ((as
many different styles as the user needs, including 1 of x (x being the
total number of pages) which some technical writers require)). For
example, I may use one style for interoffice memos (footer, centered),
another for personal letters (header, right), another for technical
articles (footer, centered, 1ofx) and yet another for magazines that I
submit articles to (whatever their editorial style requires).</li>
<li>you could even jazz it up by allowing users to choose different
fonts, colors and backgrounds for page numbers.<br>
<li>put a pagination icon in the toolbar somewhere.</li>
<li>when the user clicks on the icon a drop down menu of the
pre-defined pagination styles appears.</li>
<li>the user clicks on the appropriate one for the document at hand
and pagination occurs according to the pre-defined style.</li>
After the pre-defined styles have been set up by the user, pagination
would require only 2 clicks - hit the icon and then select the style
from the drop down menu.<br>
My $.02 worth. Thanks.<br>