Hello all,<br>i got the following error while trying to build go-oo on UbuntuKarmic and i could not understand a word of it , please help me in building go-oo<br><br>Error:<br>ubuntu-sparc-hack.diff: testing...< /media/sda8/patches/openoff/ooo-build/patches/dev300/./ubuntu-sparc-hack.diff patch --fuzz=0 -l -p0 -d /media/sda8/patches/openoff/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12 --dry-run <br>
patching file idlc/source/idlcmain.cxx<br>Hunk #1 FAILED at 42.<br>1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file idlc/source/idlcmain.cxx.rej<br>Testing patch ubuntu-sparc-hack.diff failed. at /media/sda8/patches/openoff/ooo-build/patches/<a href="http://apply.pl">apply.pl</a> line 98.<br>
make: *** [stamp/patch.apply] Error 1<b><br></b><br>