Hi,<br><br>recently, I installed Display Data Debugger, because working in console gdb got to be quite tedious as I want to look at various values simultaneously. But I got problem with SIGSEGV signal at the start:<br><br>
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.<br>Window::GetExtendedStyle (this=0xbffff904) at /home/miko/ooo-build/build/ooo320-m12/vcl/source/window/window2.cxx:1711<br>Current language: auto<br>The current source language is "auto; currently c++".<br>
<br>Strange is, that in fact DDD does the same as I do normally through console with gdb, but it stops on the signal. I checked signal handling, but everything apart from Interrupt and Breakpoint trap has set pass.<br><br>
I'll be grateful for any clues.<br><br>By the way, I'm working on OOo as a part of GSoC so, big HELLO to everyone whom I didn't have the chance to talk to yet.<br><br>Michal<br>