[Openfontlibrary] GPL with Font Exception?

Nicolas Spalinger nicolas_spalinger at sil.org
Wed Aug 27 07:55:15 PDT 2008

>> I have ported the OFL integration code to work with the current svn 
>> trunk of cchost. But yes there still things the devs need to finish 
>> before releasing v5. Also the font preview issue is the major blocker.
>> We could use the server I host the planet on for testing.
> Where is this code at? 


I intend to retest with the current CC-host trunk before distributing
the OFL integration code. Also experimented with code for other
licensing models.

If you give me access to the OFLB svn I can push there :-)
Or maybe I'll host a bzr branch somewhere.


> Jon

Nicolas Spalinger

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