[OpenFontLibrary] Contribute logos for permissive font licenses on OFLBv2

Ben Weiner ben at readingtype.org.uk
Thu Jul 30 06:24:56 PDT 2009


Dave Crossland wrote:
> Its just a minor icon, it won't signify much :-

I'd like something that works at the very small size we have. Otherwise 
it'll be a waste of effort!

Anything that has to be twice as big will not be done this side of the 
site launch, IMHO. The slot's already there in the HTML and CSS...

And the point of the icons is that they are just that: very small, can 
be understood at a glance. They're not supposed to draw lots of 
attention. When we have Ed's orthography icons alongside this will make 

Let's stick to the three licenses we have agreed on as in my post earlier.


Ben Weiner | http://readingtype.org.uk/about/contact.html

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