[OpenFontLibrary] What's the big deal about @font-face anyway?

Schrijver eric at authoritism.net
Fri May 29 08:09:15 PDT 2009


And one important effect I think expected by many,
is that the web becomes more attractive for professional graphic  

Who at the moment far prefer working in print exactly because of the  
control over typography, layout, measurements etc…
And are skilled in using these elements to create readable and  
accessible text

Which is not to say they do that all the time, because tradition tends  
to bore people :-)

But the idea is with things like web-fonts you could expect more print- 
designers bringing their expertise to the web,

Though there would still be a lot to be desired, stuff as basal as the  
possibility to do lay-out beyond the specific one-column lineair lay  
out css was designed to style, for example…


Op 29 mei 2009, om 16:57 heeft Liam R E Quin het volgende geschreven:

> On Fri, 2009-05-29 at 10:30 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> [...]
>> What I don't understand is, why is it a good idea to let website  
>> designers
>> choose what font *I* read their text with?  It's a basic usability  
>> question.
> It's a balance.  Like Flash™, on the one foot it allows people to  
> experiment
> with new user interface ideas, and lets anyone be a user interface
> designer, and, on the other foot, it forces everyone to be a user  
> interface
> designer.
> So yes, we'll no doubt see some 1994-style geocities Web pages with  
> 30 fonts
> on them, all blinking and in different colours, just as when  
> Pagemaker was
> released. And on the other hand, after the disturbance has died down  
> and
> there's some collective wisdom, we'll see some really good designs.
> Of course, there are also i18n reasons to supply a font -- if you're
> writing in a script that has poor support on major platforms, you no
> longer have to decide between text-in-images or telling people to
> install a font.
> Now, just wait until you discover that Mozilla and Safari/Webkit have
> implemented CSS transforms, so that you can stretch and distort your
> text too!
> Liam
> -- 
> Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
> Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/
> Ankh: irc.sorcery.net irc.gnome.org www.advogato.org

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