[Openicc] XICC specification draft

Bob Friesenhahn bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us
Sun Jun 26 11:26:18 EST 2005

On Sat, 25 Jun 2005, Chris Murphy wrote:
> OK so the xserver-xclient relationship can be based on either a pre- 
> rasterized or post-rasterized context. So there is some kind of drawing 
> language used in the case where the xserver is going to rasterize. Does this 
> language support CMYK? Does it support per object color spaces defined by ICC 
> profiles? That would be a minimum requirement for color management occurring 
> entirely on the xserve side.

The X11 server only displays what you tell it.  Currently all control 
over color is on the client side.  If the X11 server supported CMS, 
then it could emulate some other colorspace so that the client can 
send color values in its preferred colorspace.

> I think in any case it would make sense for applications to normalize to sRGB 
> as a destination in a a remote display context. Then the entire xserver 
> window on the remote machine could do simple full screen display compensation 
> from sRGB to actual display profile (and if there is no display profile, as 
> could be expected on some systems, at least there has been at least some

This assumes that the display is a good match for sRGB.  Maybe its 
capabilities far exceed that of sRGB and the user wants to take 
advantage of these extended capabilities.

> I'd think yes, in the ad agency scenario previously described. Can the 
> application be expected to, itself, be aware of multiple destination 
> profiles, one for each remote display being used? Or is this better done by 
> the xclient? And if it's better done by the xclient I wonder if it becoming

The xclient is the 'application'.  If the client displays to multiple 
displays, then it will need to know the capabilities of each one. 
One display might be black and white while the other supports 
12-bits/sample RGB.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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