[Openicc] XICC specification draft

Stefan Döhla color at doehla.de
Mon Jun 27 23:03:23 EST 2005

> Actually, I disagree that Xinerama is broken.  The previous "standard"
> for multi-head displays (:0.0, :0.1, etc.) was completely unusable
> for a lot of reasons (I won't waste bandwidth here on that), and
> while the current Xinerama spec may be lacking in some ways, it
> would be more productive to address its deficiencies than to bash
> it.

I'm curious: Do you have any pointers on the discussion that led to this 
Actually, I'm facing the same problem, because it's impossible right now 
to access the different displays directly with the current interface 
when using Xinerama. Imho, there should be some unique identifier 
(accessible through an X library) for each connected display, so that 
one can handle them separately.


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