[Openicc] XICC specification draft (Xinerama vs. composite).

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Sun Jul 3 09:04:06 EST 2005

>>>>> "JimG" == Jim Gettys <Jim.Gettys at hp.com> writes:

JimG> One could then have the compositing manager attempt to do a
JimG> conversion from, say, linear rgb to what the real frame buffer
JimG> needs to drive the particular monitor with color correction.
JimG> ... The issue then is whether the resolution of the information
JimG> in the pixels is sufficient; my intuition is it probably is
JimG> "most of the time", but probably not for serious applications.

Would advertising the visual as 48/64 bit rather than 24/32 be enough
to ensure sufficient colour resolution in the pixels for such a design,
presuming the composite manager would have to truncate the corrected
values to fewer than sixteen bits per component?

AIUI, the device-independent parts of X shouldn't have any problems
with a 64-bit visual, yes?  Would the device-dependent parts be able
to deal with such high-depth offscreen pixmaps?

(I'm guessing that specifying more device-independent resolution than
the display supports is necessary to ensure the corrected values are
optimal, given limited-resolution arithmetic.)

('Twould be 'interesting' were such a development to create
demand for sixteen or thrity-two bit pseudocolour visuals. :)

James H. Cloos, Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com>

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