[Openicc] mixed colour space documents

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Mon Nov 28 10:29:20 PST 2005


not shure if Leonards post came earlier and answered your question.

Am 28.11.05, 18:36 +0800 schrieb Craig Ringer:

> Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> > Thanks for your respond Casper and Leonard.
> > 
> > So my conclusion is, the mixed colour space document option is still
> > valid but should be renamed. What wold be useful?
> > 
> > Saving Mixed colour space documents
> > For Print:
> > Preserve Numbers | Flatten to Default Cmyk Editing Space | Promt
>      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> For this case, you also need to consider what to do with RGB images. Do you
> preserve them in tagged RGB, or transform them to the CMYK editing space?

Leonard suggested a
3) Convert to untagged CMYK, preserving CMYK numbers   option.
I read it as: leave Cmyk as Cmyk and convert everything else to Cmyk. Dont 
tag. This should handle Rgb content.

> My suspicion is the former would be correct at least for PDF/X-3, though I

yes  - and MultiChannel?

> haven't checked that against the spec. After all, if you want to do colour
> conversions, you probably want to flatten everything to the working space

Preserve Numbers  is a opt out for colour management on export time. Why 
not as a choice here?  It is only a preference for the application export 

> anyway. Can anybody here think of cases where that might not be true?

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

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