Monitor color calibration / profie (Was: Re: [Openicc] google SoC starts)

Hal V. Engel hvengel at
Sun Feb 18 14:41:07 PST 2007

On Saturday 17 February 2007 21:43, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> There are still issues about what can be used to calibrate the screen
> under Linux. Maybe people here know more, I haven't really dug into the
> solution. (I'm talking about Linux supported hardware)

This issue appears to be getting worse at this point.  X-Rite appears to have 
discontinued or is in the process of discontinuing all of the meters that 
could have been used on platforms other than Windows and Mac.  This is 
definitely true for anything that can even remotely be considered affordable 
(IE. < $1,000) for monitor calibration and profiling.  In fact I can not even 
find a device on their web site that can be used to calibrate/profile a 
monitor that can be used on a Linux/Unix box at any price.  But the web site 
is very confusing since there appear to still be links to products that I 
know are discontinued so I may have missed something.   I would really like 
to find another supplier for these devices that has non-OS specific interface 
specifications and/or libraries.  So far my searches have not turned up 
anything.  Does anyone here have any ideas if such a vendor even exists?  Or 
is X-Rite effectively a monopoly?


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