[Openicc] [Printing-architecture] [Gimp-print-devel] Colour

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Nov 17 03:22:03 PST 2009

Chris Murphy wrote:
> If it's normalized to output space but NOT screened, an "effects profile" or "abstract" profile is relatively easy:
> devicespace >PCS > abstract profile > PCS > devicespace

The problem with this is that it doesn't take into account gamut mapping.
If you are doing real gamut mapping (ie. gamut mapping from the source
gamut to the destination gamut), then the abstract profile will
have to be taken into account. What's needed is:

sourcespace -> abstract profile -> gamut mapping -> device space.

where the gamut mapping is from the source gamut modified by the abstract
profile to the destination gamut.

> If it is screened, well, it's still absolutely doable but it's basically
> a 1-bit TIFF style workflow. I think there are probably other priorities, but I'm open to discussing this.

Only if you de-screen it. Color management can't work effectively on contone data
that is represented by 1 bit duty cycle data.

Graeme Gill.

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