[Openicc] ICC Profiles in X Specification 0.4 DRAFT 3

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Thu Mar 25 23:38:09 PDT 2010

According to the comments on DRAFT 2, I removed all newer atoms and made 
only few corrections and clarifications to v0.3.
The draft is again on ColourWiki [1].
The colour server additions are delayed from this version. They need 
better work out first.

The additions (+) compared to v0.3 (-) [2] are mentioned below:

in Introduction
- With this specification applications can obtain the appropriate ...
+ With this specification applications and services can obtain the 
appropriate ...

in Specification
- Currently there is only one atom base name defined.
+ The _ICC_PROFILE base name contains the literal ICC colour profile. A 
atom with name _ICC_PROFILE_IN_X_VERSION tells about awareness of the 
setting application or service.

+ The counting follows the Xinerama API.
+ The meaning of the _ICC_PROFILE(_xxx) atom(s) is that of a target colour space according to this version of the specification.

+ The atom should be stored as ascii text of type XA_STRING with 8-bit elements.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

[1] http://www.oyranos.org/wiki/index.php?title=ICC_Profiles_in_X_Specification_0.4
[2] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/OpenIcc/ICC_Profiles_in_X_Specification_0.3

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