[Openicc] Fwd: Settings bundles (Robert Krawitz, Edmund Ronald)

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Feb 16 23:30:54 PST 2011

Am 16.02.11, 20:37 -0500 schrieb Robert Krawitz:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 15:23:24 +1100, Graeme Gill wrote:
>> edmund ronald wrote:
>>> To coordinate the system color there will be some sort of central
>>> registry which associates color behavior (ICC profiles) for a given
>>> display or printer/media combination, and provides the user interface
>>> for modifying these associations when necessary. So Gutenprint needs
>>> to provide an interface to this color registry.
>> You mean Gutenprint needs to interface to this library, don't you ?
>> The library should provide it's own (programmatic) API,
>> and ideally the Operating environment (OS or Desktop) should
>> provide a user interface to the library so that users can see
>> what's going on, and organize their profiles. Gutenprint would
>> also use this library to figure out what profile to use.
> Would it be Gutenprint, or CUPS, doing this?

Any party in the process, which would then irrvocably set the 
OutputIntent for the PDF/X file.

>>> For the printer, inking settings and ICC profiles are indissociable. A
>>> profile is only valid under the conditions it was made.  At this point
>>> we have concluded that serializing the inking settings and exporting
>>> them to the system profile registry is the way to go.
>> Not correct. The practicalities (that there are too many
>> combinations of printers, inks, media and settings) mean that often
>> it is better to use a not-perfect matching profile rather than no
>> profile at all, for similar media and/or settings.
>> Add in calibration, and it's even less correct. You can get very
>> reasonable results in many situations by using the a single profile
>> with multiple media/setting specific calibration files.
> So we need to come up with algorithms to do a fuzzy match.  Do you
> have any thoughts on what that would be?

Oyranos does a fuzzy match with the ICC meta tag, its device profile 
DB or sources like PPD key/values. It would work the same for the 
Gutenprint exported key/values.

The matching algorithm uses a rank map per device class. This means for 
CUPS it looks different than for Xorg. This rank map tells about every key 
to add or substract a certain value in a certain condition. Supported rank 
values go into the categories "not found", "found and matches", "found and 
no match".

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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