[Openicc] [ANNOUNCE] libXcm-0.4.1

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sun May 29 02:22:54 PDT 2011

This is a maintainance release of libXcm, the X11 Colour Management 

Changes Overview:
* add net-color spec opt-out example

The library communicates X colour regions between server and clients, 
which is described in the included net-color spec.
EDID data can be fetched through i2c communication.
EDID data can be parsed for identification and access to colorimetric 
calibration data.
libXcm helps in observing known X11 colour management events.

Known applications using libXcm:
The library is used by CompIcc a compiz plugin for full screen colour 
correction in hardware. libXcm allows the plugin to support 
multi monitor and multiple regions per window. The Oyranos Colour 
Management System uses the EDID parser. qcmsevents applet observes and 
displays colour management events in a nice GUI. Xcm contains three
command line tools for EDID fetching, EDID parsing and event observing.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann (14):
         * [core]: dont call exit() from library code
         * [build]: rpm group is System/Libraries
         * [core]: initialy print capabilities
         * [core]: fix typo
         * [exmpl]: add net-color spec opt-out example
         * [build]: compress package with bzip2
         * [core]: disable ddc on apple
         * [conf]: sync test script with Oyranos
         * [docu]: fix some doxygen warnings
         * [conf]: use -fPIC only on 64bit builds
         * [docu]: update man page
         * [conf]: bump version
         * [build]: remove libxorg-x11-devel from mandriva
         * [docu]: update ChangeLog

Nicolas Chauvet (1):
         * [conf]: apply Fedora patch for pkg-config

git:      git://www.oyranos.org/git/xcolor
git-tag:  libXcm-0.4.1
git sha1: 510e6e928fa30986864b5c23c0cc01bcd23481cb
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oyranos/files/libXcm/libXcm-0.4.x/libXcm-0.4.1.tar.gz/download
size:     49167
md5sum:   6f2721a86f0d1521e6797c5c5c37a10f  libXcm-0.4.1.tar.gz
sha1sum:  d3696fa04583364dc325874c16a64ccabbf628b6  libXcm-0.4.1.tar.gz

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org

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