[Openicc] Extra metadata keys for review

Ann McCarthy almccart at lexmark.com
Wed May 9 08:54:47 PDT 2012

It should be an extensible list.

The registry is on the ICC website at
The metadata registry is in the dropdown list under the Resources tab at
the top.
After the values are agreed among you, provide a table with the information
fields shown in the metadata registry and Phil Green, the ICC Technical
Secretary, can add the items to the registry. Please send to me as well.

Best regards,
Ann L McCarthy
Imaging Systems Architect
Lexmark International, Inc.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku.b at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 06.05.12, 11:09 +0100 schrieb Richard Hughes:
>  On 6 May 2012 08:58, Chris Lilley <chris at w3.org> wrote:
>>> I am happy to help wordsmith more precise text.
>> That would be most appreciated. Thanks.
>>  RH> STANDARD_space          A standard space, where "srgb" -> sRGB;
>>> "adobe-rgb" ->
>>> RH> AdobeRGB; "prophoto-rgb" -> ProPhotoRGB
>>> Is this a complete list, or three examples (thus, others can extend it
>>> with other tokens like ECI-rgb)? If it is an extensible list, where is the
>>> registry (so two users don't come up with different tokens for the same
>>> space)?
>> I figured that the spec would list all the options. In colord we have
>> an API where the program can say "give me the profile that is marked
>> as adobe-rgb'" so you can use profiles supplied by the distro or from
>> another proprietary package. I just listed the common colorspaces, and
>> chose to delimit spaces with '-' and used all lower case. I don't
>> think we need to list *all* colorspaces here, just the common ones we
>> want people to actually use.
>>  Does 'standard' mean 'standardised somewhere' or 'commonly used' or
>>> (looking at DATA_source below) does it mean 'this is where I got the
>>> numbers from, for this profile that was not produced by calibration)?
>> standard == known and well used colorspace standard, such as AdobeRGB
>> or ProPhotoRGB.
> The following page lists some definitions:
> http://www.color.org/chardata/**rgb/rgb_registry.xalter<http://www.color.org/chardata/rgb/rgb_registry.xalter>
> e.g.:
> http://www.color.org/chardata/**rgb/srgb.xalter<http://www.color.org/chardata/rgb/srgb.xalter>
> http://www.color.org/chardata/**rgb/adobergb.xalter<http://www.color.org/chardata/rgb/adobergb.xalter>
> A simple usage would be to just use that link for the reference:
> "STANDARD_space": "http://www.color.org/**chardata/rgb/srgb.xalter<http://www.color.org/chardata/rgb/srgb.xalter>
> "
> The advantage is, these values/URL's are already defined and possibly
> shared.
> kind regards
> Kai-Uwe
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