[Openicc] Shipping Gray-CIE_L.icc and Gray.icc

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Nov 28 20:54:33 PST 2012

Am 27.11.12, 16:42 -0000 schrieb Richard Hughes:
> I'm currently shipping Gray-CIE_L.icc and Gray.icc in
> shared-color-profiles which are lightly modified versions of the ones
> found in Oyranos. I've never used these gray profiles myself, and
> wondered if anybody had any real-world uses of them. If not, I'll drop
> them from the next version.

It is good to remove them from one package. So they appear not as 
alternatives like two Gray.icc profiles but have different IDs.

kind regards

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