[Openicc] Printing profiling targets - state of implementation?

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Tue May 21 13:15:18 PDT 2013


Let me make this clear: YOU DON'T NEED A PPD SWITCH.  PPDs are not the way to implement new features in CUPS because PPDs will be going away in the future.

What you need is an option (IPP attribute) to disable color management for a queue or a job.  We are providing such an option to you.  There will be no UI provided for the option.  There *will* likely be an API for applications to call so they can set the option programmatically as needed (so users don't need to go to the command-line for it). Users will also be able to set the option from the command-line for applications that are not written to support it.

Oh, and Gutenprint can easily support such an option itself through its CUPS printing interface.

So please stop getting all upset with me - I am giving you what you want!

On 2013-05-21, at 3:14 PM, edmund ronald <edmundronald at gmail.com> wrote:

> Michael,
>  At this point let me be really clear.  We wish to use apps like the GIMP to print our targets on a queue, with no color management. We do not wish to use "special" apps or call an API. We want to be able to do it with "normal" apps on a "normal" distribution.The option to disable color management can be set in the ppd, which means not accessible in a UI and thus not confusing. However if you disagree with providing this option after having discussed it "amongst yourselves", your chances of active cooperation from us re. color management will be very strongly diminished. Is this really what you want? Is it that important not to provide a ppd switch? 
> Edmund
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Michael Sweet <msweet at apple.com> wrote:
> Edmund,
> On 2013-05-21, at 10:18 AM, edmund ronald <edmundronald at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Michael,
>>  I have discussed this issue again with Robert. Speaking as engineers, we at Gutenprint *really wish* to be able to throw an OFF switch on a queue, and print *from normal graphics applications* , in particular the GIMP. 
> As I mentioned in my response, you *will* be able to set a default for the option for this purpose.  But from a UI perspective there won't be a visible option for it in the standard print dialog, just API for applications to "opt in" that need it.
>>  Also, we really would need to print via the graphics apps - professional color management people do strange stuff like print 5000 patch A3 targets multiplexed in different positions on 44" printers to average them  or mirror and print the same file side by side across a big page to compare profiling algorithms bypassing any built-in CMS. I myself assemble targets for some esoteric spectros (Barbieri) by overlaying patch sets with hand-designed masks, this is done with a graphics app. 
> OK, so there are a couple comments I have about this:
> 1. Hand-generating profile targets isn't exactly mainstream usage, even among professionals.  This is more in the "color research" arena.
> 2. If this sort of thing is needed for research, small target printing applications (perhaps based on a common one shipped with GNOME) might be a better, less error-prone approach.  Then you have complete control over the color, since graphics apps often are limited by the toolkits and libraries they use.
>> ...
>> At this point we really would appreciate being provided exactly the engineering toolset we request, albeit hidden from the user, and being allowed to get on with it rather than being told that an off switch hidden away in a cabinet might confuse users. 
> I believe we are providing you with the Off switch you need.  There was never any discussion of not providing one, merely that the Off switch should not be part of the standard printing UI.
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> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair
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Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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