Hi to all,<br><br>Some tine ago I read on this list about generating monitor profiles with Linux.<br><br><span>I know that I can generate profiles "by eye" with lprof and Argyll CMS can be used with some devices. I remember that someone said something about the lack of support for spyder2 colorimeter.
<br><br>I was just surfing looking for information about this specific device when I Found the following GPL licensed software called </span><span class="titre">HCFR Colormeter </span><span>that already supports Spyder2.<br>
<br>Unfortunatelly it is windows software, but as it is GPL license I figure that the code could really be very usefull in order to support spyder2 in Linux on a near future.<br><br>The link of this software is <a href="http://www.homecinema-fr.com/colorimetre/index_en.php">
http://www.homecinema-fr.com/colorimetre/index_en.php</a> , in the page it says that it is GPL License and that the source code is available upon request.<br><br>I hope that this info proves usefull to someone interested on having thios device supported in linux. Unfortunatelly I don't have time to follow this path as I am currently involved into other projects.
<br><br></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br>-- <br>Jordi Cantón<br>mailto:<a href="mailto:JordiNitrox@Virtual-Sub.Org">JordiNitrox@Virtual-Sub.Org</a><br><a href="http://www.Virtual-Sub.Org">http://www.Virtual-Sub.Org