I have read the colord main website but wanted further answers. I have many requests for different information from the developers:<br><br>1. Is colord community receptive to additional members and outside help or is an individual project?<br>
2. As colord is obsoleting oyranos will there be any integration work alongside other such softwares?<br>3. Would financial backing of colord be permitted? <br>4. We are using Ubuntu and are compiling locally here. When will .deb packages be available for Ubuntu?<br>
5. What is planned after display, scanner and printing support? Calibration devices?<br>6. Are any developers near Poland? I would very much like to invite a developer to talk about colord.<br>7. Can profiles have more than one selectors? Is it expected the control panel adds selectors to existing profiles?<br>
8. I see no mailing list for colord, but have read many posts on this list archives. Ideas?<br><br>Many thanks for the answers, colord is very exciting to us.<br><br>Andrzej NOWICKI<br><br>